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The Fastest and Easiest Way for Even Lazy People to
Get a Stable, Recurring Income Online?
How Anyone Can Create
Automated Niche Membership Sites
Using Free Content --
What if, by tomorrow, you could have
a new recurring income stream depositing cash into
your Paypal account... without being an expert or
having any content of your own?
What if also you could watch over my shoulder
and let me show you exactly how I do it -- in a brand new niche
where I have NO experience, NO contacts and
NO content...

Picture this for a moment...

It's 10:08 Monday morning.

You lazily get out of bed, stroll down to your home office, and gaze out your window overlooking the clear blue ocean...

Smiling, you casually open your new laptop and check your email.

Notification of Payment Received

Another 14 members have joined your membership site overnight.

Suddenly a thought hits you... You've just made more money while you slept than you used to slogging out three full days at work.

For a moment, you almost can't believe how far you've come in so little time.

But you have. And it was easier than you thought it would be. In fact, it all started with a single membership site you built in just one day...

RE: Recurring Income Opportunity

Dear Marketer,

If you've ever thought about starting your own membership site or continuity program, but found it too hard, too time-consuming, or just flat out too much work, then you need to know this...
Membership Sites Can Be Easy!

It doesn't matter what you've heard from anyone else, or what you've tried before, the fact is there are easy ways to setup recurring income streams with minimal effort.

Some people will tell you membership sites are a lot of work -- you must be constantly churning out content to make members happy. Well, guess what? Members expect what you tell them to expect!

Tell them they get 1 interview each month... or 1 report each month... or 1 newsletter each month... and that's what they expect. Simple.

Some people will tell you it's hard to keep members active -- they'll drop out after only a few months. Well, for every person that says it's hard to keep members, there are 2 others that have hundreds of active members for years on end.

Who would you rather listen to, the successful people or the unsuccessful people?

And other people will tell you people don't sign up to membership sites... especially in the current "financial situation".

Again, who are you going to listen to? The whiners and complainers who say everything is hard... or... The successful people who are signing up members faster than ever despite whatever is going on in the world.

I know who I chose to model.

Finally, some people will tell you that you have to be an "expert" to run a membership site... that you need a ton of content on an ongoing basis. My response? BUNK!

Experts are a dime a dozen... content is everywhere. (I'll show you exactly how you can find plenty of both.)

The bottom line is membership sites can be easy -- probably MUCH easier than you ever thought possible -- IF you know a few tricks of the trade. More on those in just a moment...
Is A Membership Site Right For YOU?

Listen, as much as I love membership sites, they're not for everyone. Before you read the rest of this page and order, please take a moment to determine which of these applies to you:
I am looking to start my first online business and want a stable recurring income.
I already have an online business and want to add a continuity income stream.
I currently run my own membership sites and want to learn how to simplify the process and launch new sites overnight.

If you fall into one of these categories then the good news is you are in the perfect position to start a highly profitable overnight membership site.

How profitable?

First let's get one thing straight. You're not going to become a millionaire by building 1 simple membership site. You probably won't even make 6-figures. That's just not realistic for the small amount of time you'll spend. A 4-figure monthly income (perhaps $1000 - $3000 a month per site) is closer to what you can realistically expect.

Remember there's no limit to the number of sites you can make.

Having said that, these small profitable sites add up quickly, and you can quickly generate more than enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle working from home.

Imagine for a second being your own boss, working just a few hours each day from the comfort of your own home... no one to answer to... no early morning starts... no daily commute to and from a job you hate.

Imagine if you actually enjoyed your work... you jump out of bed each morning eager to get started... do a few solid hours in the morning... then take the rest of the day off to go to the beach.

And imagine making more money than you do now, in half the time! All your debts are paid off... your bills get paid on time every month... and you've got enough money in the bank to take a round the world holiday.

Because if you're anything like me, it's not about "being a millionaire"... it's about the lifestyle.
Being debt-free.
Never having to worry about money.
Living life on your terms...

That's what it's all about... and that's what membership sites can give you.

Look, I understand you might be skeptical, it's only natural.

If I was in your position I would be too.

That's why I'm not asking you to believe me. And I'm not asking you take take action right now. All I ask is you listen to my story, suspend your disbelief for just a moment, then decide if this opportunity is right for you.
From Nightmare To Nice Income

My name is Kyle Tully and I launched my first membership site just a few months ago.

Since then I've launched a number of membership sites, both for my own business and for my consulting clients. There are some great stories behind each of those sites, but today I want to tell you a dirty little secret I've not told anyone else outside of my private mastermind group.

Setting up that first site was an absolute nightmare!

* It took me days to finally settle on a niche.
* It took me months to develop the content.
* It took me weeks to create the marketing.

Sound familiar?

Well, the good news is in the end that first site actually did pretty good and makes me a nice income.

But the stress was intense -- So much time and effort crammed into the project for months on end -- With no guarantee that it was all going to pay off... I seriously felt like I was going to crack.

If you even mentioned the words "membership site" in the same room as me I would have lost it. Frankly I was happy to go back to my copywriting & consulting business and let everyone else worry about the hassle of creating membership sites.
Then something happened to me that
changed the way I looked at
membership sites forever...

My computer crashed. HARD.

I was able to save most of my files but I had to completely reinstall the operating system and track down every single piece of software I needed to run my business.

Have you ever had to do this? It's a nightmare!

Anyway, spending a great deal of time getting intimate with my computer turned out to be the turning point in my love-hate relationship with membership sites.

You see, while going through all my old files I found an ebook I'd bought years ago. I'm not sure if I'd read it before, but something about it caught my eye and I thought I'd give it a quick skim.
13th page... BAM!

The book had nothing to do with membership sites, but there it was -- The solution to the first part of my membership site issues -- how to create high quality content people will happily pay good money for, without having to spend time or money doing it myself!

In the end I was able to find at least 5 different ways of getting premium content to use in my membership sites. 100 FREE with nothing owed to anyone.

In fact, once I got going and saw the possibilities of these free content sources I started to wonder why anyone would ever pay for content.
The next day the second piece
of the puzzle fell into place...

It happened while watching the videos from a $5,000 per head marketing seminar.

A single throw-away line from one of the smartest marketing minds in the world and I had the perfect membership site business model.

Low risk. Simple to setup. Easily expandable.

You don't need to struggle to find a niche. You don't need to spend months creating content. You don't need to spend weeks creating the marketing materials.
The Fastest and Easiest Way
For Even The Laziest People to Get
A Stable, Recurring Income Online...

This model allows you to get a site up and running in record time, while still giving you the flexibility to expand and grow your business as you develop more and more content and get more and more paying members.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, when I combined these two breakthrough ideas with everything I learned while creating my own membership site, I was able to crank my next site out in just one day!

And like everything I work on, I take notes feverishly and systematize the process so that anyone can do what I do, if you follow my simple plan.

Which brings me to what this is all about...

After building a number of membership sites for myself, and more for my consulting clients, I decided to put together a course showing you exactly how I'm setting up simple, automated, "overnight" membership sites, using free content.

Not an ebook or report you'll never read, but a complete, step-by-step home study course using video, audio, and written materials showing how you can copy my simple plan.

All you have to do is copy my plan and replicate my success!

Overnight Membership Site
Overnight Membership Site Product Bundle

Overnight Membership Site is 5.5 hours of video training content (plus audio, transcripts and workbooks), including 7 content modules (1 introduction module, 5 core training modules, and 1 bonus module), available for immediate download right now.

I show you my exact step-by-step plan for niche membership site domination.

Along with the video training:

* You get MP3 versions of the presentations so you can burn them to CD and listen in the car.
* You get PDF transcripts of the presentations so you can skim, skip ahead, and quickly jump to a specific point.
* You get step-by-step workbooks that ensure you never miss a step -- they make the entire process paint-by-numbers.

Here's just a taste of what you are about to discover:

* The real truth about what you can make with small niche membership sites you create in one day.
* Why the ongoing financial crisis means it's the perfect time to start a membership site.
* The single biggest (and potentially most profitable) asset 9/10 membership site owners completely overlook.
* The brain-dead simple way to quickly expand your "one day" membership site without adding mind-numbing complexity.
* The 5 simple steps to a profitable membership site AND the order to do them in -- most people are doing at least 1 of the steps in the complete wrong order and it severely hurts their chances of making any money.
* A trick I learned at the Melbourne Cup that made me a little over $6000 in 2 months the very first time I put it to use.
* How to fail fast and win BIG. (One reason most people don't succeed is simply they don't fail fast enough.)
* The "parrot" rule and how it can help you succeed no matter how many times you've failed before.
* What Allen Says taught me that allows you to create websites, content, and marketing super-fast without ever second guessing yourself.
* How to quickly expand a profitable membership site (there are 2 primary ways) to leverage your initial success for maximum money in minimum time.

Click Here To Get Started Now
Module 1 - Membership

* 46 red hot markets always hungry to buy now.
* How to spot a hot niche ready to spend money with you.
* 5 key factors you must consider when choosing a niche.
* The one factor you must consider before starting a membership site if you want to grow it past 4-figures a month.
* The 6 basic membership types and how to choose the best one for you.
* 22 high-profit membership site ideas.
* 15 techniques I developed as a copywriter you can use to create a UNIQUE membership site unlike anything else in the marketplace.
* 11 ways to find new niche market ideas you know are profitable.
* 2 easy ways to setup your site and deliver your content without any complicated software, scripts or expensive tech help.
* The 3 factors to consider when pricing your membership site. (Plus recommended prices for different types of sites.)
* At least 5 different ways to structure your offer, including one that has proven to increase response up to 32!
* A super-simple method for creating a membership site without a website.
* My breakthrough business model. (The same one that allows me to create a site in one day without content, connections, or experience.)
* Why you don't need an expensive membership site script to build a membership site -- and the sneaky little way I've done it for FREE.

Click Here To Get Started Now
Module 2 - Construction

* Why the "technical stuff" should only take you 10 minutes.
* How to get your first site setup in just one day without any fancy membership site scripts.
* 2 simple ways to protect your content -- it's all "point & click" and so simple you'll wonder why you're not doing it already.
* The 5 simple steps to developing a membership site.
* A FREE content management system you can use for your site that is more powerful than any of the paid options. (Some of them run up to $3000 or more, but you won't pay a cent!)
* The simple customer contact system that uses a service you probably already have but aren't using anywhere near as effectively as you should be.
* The quick & easy way to accept payments and get the money in your hands ASAP.
* Where to get FREE graphics, FREE website designs and FREE themes for your sites.
* My 3-pronged approach to building simple membership sites using free software. (You don't need any expensive scripts or complicated software.)
* 4 advanced options you can "bolt on" to your existing site that make managing your site quicker, easier, AND more profitable.
* Possibly the most powerful combination of 2 scripts ever put together -- one puts your marketing on autopilot and the other manages your entire membership site. (And you won't believe how inexpensive they are!)
* The 4-letter word to keep in mind at all times.

Click Here To Get Started Now
Module 3 - Content

* 5 different types of free content you can use to quickly build a high-quality site without any special expertise of your own.
* What the Warrior Forum can teach you about creating an autopilot business.
* 6 ways to employ your members to create content without paying them a cent!
* What to outsource... when to outsource... and how to outsource to college professionals for pennies on the dollar.
* Free software to create premium quality content as good as you see in a magazine.
* 2 pieces of free software every Internet marketer should own if they want to profit from audio content.
* Simple ways to create video content (you don't even need a video camera) and dramatically increase the perceived value of your content.
* A little trick I learned from a bar girl during my days as a roadie that reduces your refund rates.
* 2 easy ways to automate your business so you can spend more time at the beach!
* What the fashion industry can teach you about working less and making more money.
* 4 ways to quickly increase the perceived value of any piece of content so you can command premium prices and have people happy to pay you... even though the content is exactly the same!
* Why every piece of content you create should be a sales piece.
* How watching the TV show "Lost" can reduce your refund rates... increase your traffic rankings... get members more involved in your site... and flat out make you a ton more money!

Click Here To Get Started Now
Module 4 - Marketing

* The ONLY 2 things you need to master to make a fortune marketing on the Internet.
* Why LT + HPP + HC = $$$
* How to sell at higher prices and still have your customers love you.
* The one skill that propelled me from losing $10,000 to now pulling in up to $2000 in a single day -- without a product launch.
* The simple membership site salesletter formula anyone can use to create a salesletter that will get the job done.
* #1 mistake most copywriters (even the "pro's") make that hurts conversion rates... and... 6 words that will stop you dead in your tracks before you make the same mistake.
* Why you should write to children even if you sell to adults!
* How to structure an irresistible offer. (A great offer with average copy will outsell a bad offer with great copy!)
* 2 FREE services that can triple your profits.
* The 4 tests that have the biggest impact on your conversions.
* Simple ways to ramp up your member profits overnight.
* How to turn 1 member into 10... and... 10 into 100!
* My bread and butter traffic plan for a new site.
* How to get instant traffic to your site.
* The golden goose of Internet traffic -- it converts higher, costs less (it's FREE), and grows your business faster than anything else. Period.
* When (and why) you should pay for traffic. (AND when FREE traffic is the best choice.)
* A simple 3-step traffic plan for any site.
* How to turn a small trickle of traffic into an unstoppable torrent. (It takes a little time but it's well worth the effort.)

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Module 5 - Automation

* How to work less, make more money, and enjoy owning membership sites!
* The 3 types of automation -- what they are, how they can help you, and when you need to implement them in your business.
* 6 ways to make content work for you... you'll work less, have fewer refunds, and save money on outsourcing.
* How to create a "hands off" marketing system that runs itself. (Never worry about getting traffic again!)
* A proven marketing funnel that ratchets your earnings higher and higher.
* How to turn lazy, ineffective affiliates into raging fans that send traffic to you day and night.
* How to automate a product launch! (Imagine a fully automated product launch being unleashed on your prospects every single month.)
* 2 pieces of software that leverage your computer to do the work of 10 people. (That's NOT hype -- big business have been using this stuff for years but most marketers don't have a clue.)
* 4 simple steps to financial freedom with membership sites.
* What an old school business guy that's never even sent an email can teach you about building an automated Internet business than makes money while you sleep... and... while you're on holiday!

Click Here To Get Started Now

And much, MUCH more!

As you can see this course is jam-packed with everything you need to know to get started with your own overnight membership sites.
I'm laying everything I know out on the table
and giving you the exact step-by-step
process I've been using...

As soon as you get the course you can watch the videos (or listen to the audio or read the transcripts, if you prefer), and see what I'm doing... why I'm doing it... and how you can do the same.

PLUS The simple workbooks/checklists make it paint-by-numbers.

Imagine how easy it will be to setup your own recurring income streams simply by following along with the videos!
So What's This Going To Cost?

OK, let's look at what it could cost you...

I started off probably a lot like you. I didn't have anyone to show me the ropes. Figured I'm a smart guy, I can read some forums and learn it all myself... "it can't be that hard, right?"

Ha! It took me months to get my first site setup. And I didn't really have any idea of what I was doing. Sometimes I think it was pot luck my first site actually made money. I stumbled and stuttered and made more embarrassing mistakes in those first few months than I care to remember.

How much money did I waste during that time? Honestly, I don't know... and I don't really want to think about it. But I guarantee it was a lot more than the small investment you'll make today.

We both know time is money, right?

Even if I valued my time at minimum wage rates -- say $5 per hour, 5 hours a day, 5 days a week... that's $500 a month -- and it took me a few months to finally fit all the pieces of the puzzle together... you've got to figure that learning process cost me a few thousand dollars in total.

I don't know about you but if there was a way to shortcut that learning curve -- a way to save thousands of dollars -- I'd jump at this opportunity.

Just think... if you could get your first site setup in a few days, rather than a few months, imagine how much extra money you'll make, and how much sooner you'll make it.
You Could Waste Months Of Time
And A Few Thousand Dollars...

And you still wouldn't have any guarantee of success.

And you still wouldn't discover even half of the strategies and tactics covered in Overnight Membership Site.

That reminds me, what you've seen so far is only part of the program -- there's still an entire other module!

The Overnight Membership Site course is an excellent learning tool and gives you everything you need to get started creating you own membership sites right away. But sometimes you just need to see something done to make it really sink in.

Which is why I created this extra Bonus Module...
Bonus Module - Live Example

In this special bonus module you are going to watch over my shoulder as I develop a brand new membership site -- in a niche I know absolutely nothing about, where I have no contacts, content, or experience -- and see exactly what I'm doing every step of the way.

You'll see why I chose the niche, how I decided on the product, where I got the content, how I put it all together... and... the results!

Maybe I'll land flat on my face and the site will bomb. Or maybe I'll hit one out of the park and create a brand new revenue stream right in front of your eyes.

Either way it'll be an exciting process (for both of us I'm sure), a beneficial learning experience, and a real eye-opener to see a membership site put together in just 1 day.

Click Here To Get Started Now

I'm sure by now you can see the true value of this training program -- the potential to save you thousands of dollars and months of effort... tips, tricks & tactics to make you more money, faster... a proven system to create profitable membership sites overnight.

What if you breeze through the Overnight Membership Site training then create a site that brings in $3,000 a month. How much would that be worth to you?

What if you created 2 sites that each brought in $2,000 per month?

Or what if you get the course then only develop 1 membership site, and it's only a moderate success, bringing in just $1,000 a month... you're talking about a recurring income stream worth $12,000 a year.

Let's say the course only cost $297...

Would you invest $297 one time, to make $12,000 each and every year?

Would that be worth it to you?

Of course it would. I doesn't matter who you are, an extra $12,000 always comes in handy.
That's a big chunk out of your mortgage, a family holiday to Disneyland,
or one year's lease payments on a 2008 Mercedes CLS550 Coupe...

Rest assured... Overnight Membership Site won't cost you anywhere near it's true value.

It won't even cost you $297.

Because my schedule is already packed with building and growing my own membership sites, not to mention those of my consulting clients, I simply don't have the time to devote to marketing this program at it's true value.

So to make sure the Overnight Membership Site program flies out the door and clears up my schedule I'm going to release it for just $97.

And remember... you get 5.5 hours of video training... 1 Introduction Module & 5 Core Training Modules...MP3 audio files and PDF transcripts of the presentations... step-by-step workbooks that walk you through the simple process... PLUS the Bonus Module where I show you a live demonstration of setting up a profitable membership site in just 1 day!
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