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The Octopus Blog Method - Quality PLR Download

The Octopus Blog Method - Quality PLR Download

"For Internet Marketers Who Have Been Searching Far And Wide For A Proven, LASTING Traffic Stream -- But Haven't Quite Found It Yet:"

Discover Why This Unusual Blog Strategy Will Give You An Enormous Advantage Over Your Competition -- And Why Dominating Google With Unprecedented Ease Will Hand You Cash For Years To Come.

"David has put together the best "blog SEO" guide I've ever seen..."

"We've seen "Guru" programs that don't have half this information selling for $997"

"I don't care how successful you are online or how experienced you are - you will find golden nuggets throughout this report."

Watch this personal message...

The Octopus Blog Method

What You Will Learn:

Inside is a step-by-step blueprint to researching, building, and marketing a blog that has the potential to PROFIT you 6-figures a year by crushing the search engine competition with superior intelligence and brute force!.

The result will be a massive amount of FREE, highly targeted visitors that you will then convert into sales, leads, or clicks. This creates a substantial recurring income and a legitimate Internet real estate asset for you.

The foundation is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices and the difference-maker is a little bit of Octoblog Secret Sauce! I have taken the effective methods used by experts and cleverly combined them, resulting in a SEO POWER FORMULA that your competitors are just not using.

Youll be getting:

Ideology Im not just going to tell you to do something blindly. Youre going to hear the theory behind it. Not only will this will save you hundreds of hours and dollars trying to collect and learn all of this information, but you will also know WHY you're doing it, which is even more important than knowing WHAT to do!

Methods I give the exact methods for setting up the blog. I get into EVERY LAST DETAIL.
Here are some of the topics I will be discussing:

    Exactly how to do correct keyword and market research that will attract a massive swarm of highly targeted traffic that is ready to take ACTION.

    How to apply intricate "blog setup" strategies so you give yourself the best chance to rank in the search engines.

    How to do optimal "Internal Linking" and "Outbound Linking" so you make Google see you as an "authority site."

    How to do proper copywriting, tracking, and testing so you squeeze every last cent out of each visitor.

    How to use cutting-edge article marketing strategies to explode your traffic and send super-valuable "link juice" to your pages without leaving a massive footprint!

    How to engage in OPTIMAL "backlinking" to skyrocket your ability to dominate Google's first page and drastically improve your chances of success. These tips alone will save you countless hours and loads of money.

Specifically, I'll be showing you how to rank in top spots for competive keywords, dominate entire pages of SERPS, increase your CTR, and score badass DOUBLE LISTINGS!!

    How to take advantage of the amazing built-in advantage with this method, giving you a HUGE leg-up on your competition.

    How to expand your blog so you can crank up your traffic, increase your PageRank, and ultimately explode your income.

    And much more!

Tools and Resources Nothing in the business world can be accomplished all on your own. To get this project done, you will need the right resources. I provide links to necessary software, outsourcing, and learning resources so you can spend your valuable time implementing instead of hunting these tools down. I also cite my sources when I make claims, incase you want to learn it from the horses mouth.

Action Checklist I know it can be a pain to re-read the book and try to remember everything you need to do. So I cut out the guesswork for you and provided a handy checklist.

Whats Different About This Report:

Its A Fresh Idea Im not going to say all my ideas are original. If somebody says that, laugh at them. But my compilation of some of the most valued IM information from some of the most respected IM sources has produced a fresh idea that you may not have considered before. Unless you are a stone wall, you should get a BOOST OF EXCITEMENT from the ideas put forth in this report.

Valuable Nuggets of Tips and Tricks This report is loaded with them. And even ONE TIP has the potential to add another zero to your net income.

I get into advanced on-page and off-page SEO strategies that are not mentioned in the "average" report. I also provide some top-notch resources and tools so you can take it to another level. Even if youre a super-experienced IMer, I guarantee that you will find AT LEAST ONE TIP that can improve your business.

A Way To Business Freedom Listen, making a lot of money is great, but it doesnt necessarily bring you FREEDOM. Sometimes a big business can bring unintended shackles. This is a subject that needs to be looked at carefully. You will learn about my philosophy of business freedom and how you can use it to change your life for the better.

Reading It Wont Make You Pull Your Hair Out Ever notice how all of these self-proclaimed IM gurus cant find a coherent, grammatically correct sentence with a spell checker and a flashlight? You will experience what its like to read a report with a space in between the period and the next letter.

How This Report Can Change Your Life:

Im not giving you the website or doing the work for you.

Nope, this is just a report. You will only be receiving information.

But if you do what I tell you to do, you may just receive the following:

    A much fatter wallet, including an ASSET that you can sell.
    A real, working business
    Ultimate freedom:

How would you like to work anywhere, whenever you want, answer to nobody, and change it all at the drop of a hat?

What else can you hope for in life besides great health and boundless love?! But thats another book entirely!

The Value:

We all know what this information is worth. Its worth whatever time and money it will take for you to compile the pieces and think of the idea.

How long is that going to take you?
How much will you spend?
Will you ever even think of the idea?
Answers: A lot, a lot, and probably not.

So yea, I know I could sell this book for pretty much any price and justify it.

Its a 95+ page ebook with only a little T.O.C. fluff. $77 or even $97 would be reasonable.

But my intentions are different with this report:
First, I want it to be accessible to all. I dont want the price to block you from getting this information.
Second, I want to build a relationship with you. I want you to read the book, value the information, and want to do more mutually beneficial business with me.

So Im NOT making it $97, $77, or even $47.

"Get The Octopus Blog Method Today!"


See Other Internet Marketers' Rave Reviews:

"Originally Posted by konradbraun

I absolutely LOVE this ebook!

I was privileged to review Dave's Octoblog guide and though I dislike putting my reputation on the line for someone else's product, it is an absolute honor to do so here!

The report is aproximately 90 pages long, and is content PACKED, line after line and I know Dave put a LOT of time and effort in to this product, and it shows!

Who would I recommend this guide to? To anyone who is serious about making money online!

I don't care how successful you are online or how experienced you are - you will find golden nuggets throughout this report.

Well Done Dave and good luck with the WSO!


"First of all i would like to say this WSO going to rock if anyone implement the techniques you have shown in your ebook. I absolutely love this guide and recommend any one (newbie or inter-mediate webmaster) to go and try this techniques and within few months you can see the result yourself but with only one condition that you have to apply these techniques.

Any one hesitating to grab this one i would say just go and buy this one.


"Here´s what I think: This is a cheap product...

...cheap as in Great Value 
You get a truckload of useful information in this!

As some have noted, it´s a 92 page e-book and it covers a wide spectrum of the business. After the intro there is not much fluff. It took me several cups of coffee to give it a run through even though it is well-written and a easy read. There is simply so much in there that it takes a while to digest.

It is a comprehensive overview of what you need to do to hit a market, get traffic and develop it. Focus as I read it is on choosing niche, marketing it and traffic.

The experienced marketer will probably recognize most resources and methods covered but the nice part is that this e-book collects them all in one place. It gives more than a brief description of the what/why/how with personal indications of what works and what you might skip.

Each topic mentions several tools that you can use to simplify the job. Some are affiliate links and some are not but most of the suggested tools are the same I would have used so they get my thumbs-up.

This is not a report covering a single method but rather a massive IM handbook. I couldn´t find any new experiments which I think shouldn't be in a handbook. This is all tested and reliable stuff with personal pointers and not a 2 minute execise to fast cash dreams. IM success = work. Live with it.

At the end there is massive listing of resources that I agree are useful - regardless of your level of knowledge. From noob to pro.

I would say this is a resource for the ambitious noob and for the mid-level marketer.
Nice product at a nice price!"

"This information is *pure gold*

David has put together the best "blog SEO" guide I've ever seen...and what's more, he writes in a simple "do this, do that" style.

Actually, there's SO much more to the Octopus Method than blogging...this is a complete, newbie-friendly, soup-to-nuts marketing "attack plan"."

"Here's our one word review - "COMPLETE"

We've seen "Guru" programs that don't have half this information selling for $997 - well done.


Bronwyn and Keith"

"OK, I read the whole writeup twice. Short review: GET IT.

Long review:

Dave explains how to build authority sites from the ground up. That's really what this is all about. If you follow his commonsense approach, you'll be building an enormously valuable resource that will pay you back many multiples on the effort and money you invest.

The ebook goes into a lot of detail on how to set up your site(s), how to plan them out, how to build them up in stages, and how to get the all-important traffic both through active backlinking and by using effective strategies for ranking well in the search engines.

Very well done.

Target audience is beginner to intermediate IMers. Experts will also learn several new things, and this is an eye opener for new and intermediate marketers.

Bottom line: If you're new or intermediate, or if you're knocking about for a solid approach to build a long term business, get this. If you're expert, also consider getting this ebook, since you will learn new tricks."

"I've been online for many years and have a number of websites selling products & services, but, I have to admit, I haven't gotten into blogging yet. So, this WSO seemed like a great value. I read it in one sitting and plan on reading again in more detail.

David starts out by saying, "Your goal is to get numerous pages of your blog ranking on the 1st page of Google". He goes into detail covers everything you need to know to get that job done. He gives lots of links to resources & materials, both paid and free, to help get the job done. He has a section on 'tweaks', & I learned a lot about how to maximize a blog.

Probably the best thing David added was a complete step-by-step checklist at the end ... as I was reading the report, I started asking myself, "what do I do In what order" & there at the end it was all laid out!

If you want to get started in blogging this report is all you will probably need, I recommend it highly!


"I purchased the WSO and i can highly recommend it for the following reasons:

It is very comprehensive, almost 100 pages of no-fluff, very well researched information based around a very solid strategy using blogs for gaining high google rankings.

The price is a total nobrainer since i have seen similar courses sold for much, much more. It also contains a pretty good and helpful "checklist" telling you exactly what to do and what resources you can use.

This WSO is perfect for beginners and intermediate marketers, although the more "advanced" bloggers and SEOs might know most of what the WSO covers already. It would depend on your experience level. On a scale from 1-10, if your blogging and SEO experience is anywhere from 1-7 i would say "Buy this!"...if your experience level is high, like 8-10 you can still buy this and use it as a reference/checklist in your site building.


"I bought this just now: This information will be a great help to anyone with a blog!

Anyone starting out will get a huge leg up and experienced marketers will be reminded of things to do which, may have slipped through the net.

It is a good solid well written report, it over delivers in so many ways and definitely worth much more than the current price.

IMO Anyone just starting out who takes action on your recommendations and combines them with buying keywords will make a killing though, there is no gain without pain so you have to put in the work.

Well done! easy to understand and great value."

The price is set to increase automatically
so I recommend that you act now.



I wish you much success on your Internet Marketing journey!



Your Fellow IMer,


David & Your Name

p.s. Refund Policy: 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, I will refund your money immediately. Customer satisfaction is my #1 priority.
p.p.s. All future updates to and versions of this report are free of charge! Based on your feedback and newly emerging industry information, I am constantly making improvements for current and future readers. Rest assured, you will have free access to any future versions. (You will receive emails about these updates as long as you are a subscriber to my email newsletter.)

Still not convinced? See Even More Reviews!

"This is a great ebook... one of the best I've ever invested in... well worth the money!"

"Ok David,

Enough fooling around. Time to take this information down. Too powerful and some of us want to dominate the markets.

Go home folks, nothing to see."

"WOW... For the price I was expecting maybe a bit of useful info, No way was I expecting such a comprehensive guide so packed with GREAT info.

I have been running WP blogs for the last 3 years and I still managed to learn loads of useful tips and info from this great book.

Very much appreciated"

"Get Your Copy Now!"



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