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MP3 Talegrand Noel - Korije

World folk

9 MP3 Songs in this album (51:01) !
Related styles: WORLD: Creole, COUNTRY: Progressive Country

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Born in Riviere Mancelle , in the areas of Borgne and Gros Morne, Telegrand Noel was an educator. He also studied philosophy and theology at Notre Dame Major seminary in Port-au-Prince and at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, United States. He holds a Masters degree in Urban Planning from CIEDEL (international learning center for urban planning) a branch of the School of Economics and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Lyon , France. He is now working with a member of the Archdiocese of Miami on a project in support of the Haitian community living in south Florida.

He worked in Haiti, the United States and France as a French professor, Theology professor, consultant, and project coordinator. He is involved in several organizations and committed to several associations.

From 1996 to 2003 he was president of “Collectif Haiti de France” wich publishes news from Haiti , petition speeches and encourages support for development projects. He was a member of the France – Haiti Bilateral Commission, Follow-up Committee, Member. He was one of the founding members of “Coordination Europe-Haiti” a group of NGO’s working on projects with Haiti and of the Franco – Haitian Association (PAFHA )

In 1997 he founded, in France, with the collaboration of young college students from MRJC the “Haiti Soleil d’Esperance” (Haiti light of hope) organization to promote Haitian Culture and cultural exchanges between France and Haiti.
As a member of several institutions, he conducted several conferences and workshops in France on development issues, partnership, citizenship, Northern –Southern interaction, culture mix and Haiti. He also took part in the Sorbonne’s Cooperative College jury on socio-educational issues pertaining to Haitian students


“RANKONT AK JEZI”, 1986 – Album Audio in Audio Cassettes: Creole and French Catholic Songs. Produced in 1986 – Composer & Artistic Director
Telegrand made his entry in cultural production with music. Author, composer and singer he published his first album of religious hymns in 1986 entitled “Rankont ak Jezi” (meeting with Jesus) with the help of a group named Menestrels.

“AYITI CHIMEN LINYON”, 1997 – Album Audio in Audio Cassettes: Creole and French Catholic Songs – Composer and Artistic Director. Productions: Haïti Soleil d’Espérance
Talegrand resumed with the album entitled “Ayiti chimen linyon” (Haiti road to harmony) accompanied by the group “Pax Christi” made up for the most part of “Les Gitans“former members.

“LAISSER DANSER LES COULEURS”, 2000 – Album Audio in CDs : Creole and French Catholic Songs – Composer and Artistic Director. Productions: Haïti Soleil d’Espérance
A fan of John Littleton whom he had the privilege to meet twice, Talegrand publishes in 2000, with the continued help of the Pax Christi group, a colorful album rightfully entitled “Laissez danser les couleurs” (let the colors danse). Those two albums were sold in France to benefit the works of “Haiti Soleil d’Esperance” with “klib Ti Moun Kè Kontan” (Happy Children’s Club” an organization that welcomes abused children in the areas of Verrettes to promote their professional and social integration

« KORIJE », 2007- Album Audio in CDs : Creole Songs – Composer and Artistic Director. Productions: Talegrand NOEL
Between may 2006 and may 2007 with the collaboration of Konsey National Finansman Popilè (National Counsel for rural financing), The European Union and Oxfam Angleterre, Telegrand Noel spent the year planning and setting up an office to provide services and support to peasant’s organizations . It is in analyzing the country’s conditions an after having been asked by the minister of social affairs to support the construction of social centers for destitute children that he was inspired to produce the socially directed album “korije”(change) . The purpose was to raise awareness on the violence, the crimes, the lack of peace, the conditions of destitute street children, the importance of school and education, the need for a change of heart and mind to move forward in the right direction. The album begins with an excellent piece particularly addressed to the Diaspora to encourage them to raise their children’s awareness on the reality of their country of origin and invite them to participate in rebuilding efforts. Because “Lakay se Lakay” (home is always home). The piece entitled “Di yo” (Tell them) is the result of the artist encounter with a group of young adults that avidly questioned him about their roots, the history of Haiti as part of a research he was conducting on the Haitian community living in South Florida with the Archdiocese of Miami. This album also contains a medley of two songs that are a vibrant tribute to the courage of Haitian mothers.
Telegrand became a folkloric singing preacher to offer the public a more vibrant and rousing music with enchanting and joyous melodies as if to make it easier to absorb the weightiness of the issues expressed. To do so he surrounded himself with talented artists such as:
 Isabelle Saint-Hilaire and Mireille Zamor whose voices speak to the heart and to the guts
 Georges Bertrand a guitar expert whose outstanding abilities are reminiscent of Carlos Santana
 Wesner Saint-Louis, the greatest Haitian drummer of the time
 Dickens Princivil, a cello player admired for his talent
 Jean Remy Clerveaux who plays the keyboard as easily as he breaths
 And several other musicians whose creativity made a real jewel of this album

“SA SE PEN LAVI A”, 2008- Album Audio in CDs : Creole Songs – Composer and Artistic Director. Productions: Talegrand NOEL
Upon request from several choir leaders, radio personalities and the public, Telegrand recently published on CD “Sa Se Pen Lavi a” (this is the bread of life) several pieces from his previous album “Rankont ak Jezi” can also be found on that CD.
He is now working on publishing other CD’S.


NOEL, Talegrand 1999. Haiti Bouquet d’Espoir. Flam Press, Paris, France.
As a poet, essay writer and novelist, Telegrand Noel embraced a variety of literary genre. His first poems and meditative texts were published in several magazines in France. In 1999 FLAM editors published his first book. “Haiti Bouquet d’Espoir” (Haiti medley of hope) is a collection of poems and meditations on society, human interaction, the search for meaning, building relationships, the expression of national culture, Haiti…etc.

NOEL, Talegrand. 2001. Coopération : Comment Conjuguer Collaboration et Relations Humaines. L’Harmattan Press, Paris, France.
In 2001 he wrote: “Cooperation: comment conjuguer collaboration et relations humaines.” (Cooperation: how to combine collaboration and human relations). In this essay published by Harmattan editors, Telegrand Noel starts with a mango marketing project in the areas of Gros-Mornes to a general discussion on project supervision, human relations, communication management, leadership strategies, conflict management, local development, multiculturalism , North-South interaction, the complexity of reality…etc.

NOEL, Talegrand. 2002. Du Coeur et des Entrailles. Flam Press, Paris, France.
IN 2002 Telegrand published, with FLAM editors, other collection of poems and meditations entitled “ Du Coeur et des entrailles” (from the heart and from the guts) similar to the first one in genre. Shortly after, he published another book a novel this time.

NOEL, Talegrand. 2004. Rendez-Vous sur la Place du Marché. Art & T Press, Paris, France
Published with Art & T editors in 2004 “Rendez vous sur la place du marché” (rendez-vous at the marketplace) describes what countrymen experienced from within under a dictatorial regime and the strategies developed by peasant organizations to reject the unacceptable and provoke a change in society.

Telegrand ’s musical and literary works are always appreciated by the public and their significance welcomed by the media of the Haitian community and the local press in France where he has been residing for the past nineteen years. Last year he was also welcomed by the media in Haiti during his visit there.
The writer-artist was honored by the community of Saint Jean de Braye where he lives by the celebration of the publication of “Rendez vous sur la place du marché”. Indeed, the municipality published an article in “Regards” (At a glance or Point of view) the town’s magazine in which Telegrand Noel was set apart as “L’Abrésyen du mois” (…of the month)

Journals, Newspapers
(name of newspaper, title of articles, year of publication)
Sève Eglise Aujourd’hui, ‘Justice pour le peuple haïtien’, Sept 1994
Echanges et Recherches, no 87, ‘Ce qui est premier, c’est l’homme lui-même’, May 1995
Sève, Eglise aujourd’hui, ‘Gerbes de vie’, 1995
Sève Eglise aujourd’hui, no 575, ‘Haïti : Voyage au pays natal’, Feb 1996
Le Lien des Ruraux, no 38, ‘Carrefour d’initiatives des jeunes ruraux’, Oct 1996
Agir en Rural, ‘Il faut bouger’, Spring 1998
Le Nouvelliste, « Besoin de s’évader », March 2, 2007
Le Matin, « Promotion de l’Education et du Développement », April 19, 2007
Le Matin, « Promotion de l’Education et du Développement », April 20, 2007
Le Matin, « Promotion de l’Education et du Développement », April 23, 2007
Le Matin, « Promotion de l’Education et du Développement », April 24, 2007

(Selected Newspapers’ Articles on my Activities)
La République du Centre, ‘Des cassettes pour le Peuple Haïtien’, Sept 16, 1998
La République du Centre, ‘Le Crédit Mutuel Aide Haïti Soleil d’Espérance’, Sept19, 1998
La République du Centre, ‘Haïti Bouquet d’espoir : premiers écrits de Talégrand NOEL’, Sept 7, 1999
La République du Centre, ‘Haïti Bouquet d’espoir présenté à Paris’, Sept 29, 1999
La République du Centre, ‘La bibliothèque ouvre ses portes au public’, Nov 1999
Le Pays, ‘Quelle solidarité avec Haïti et la Bolivie’, March 17, 2000
La République du Centre, ‘Laissez danser les couleurs : le premier CD de Talégrand NOEL ‘, April 13, 2000
Inter-Actifs, No. 6, ‘Reviens à la raison’ May 2000
Courrier du Loiret, ‘Pour que Haïti garde l’espérance’, July 13, 2000
Agir en Rural, No. 42, ‘Laissez danser les couleurs’, July, 2000
La République du Centre, ‘Talégrand NOEL publie un second livre’, June 19, 2001
Le Lien des Ruraux, No. 57, ‘Coopération : comment conjuguer collaboration et relations humaines’, June, 2001
La vie Diocésaine, No.14, ‘Coopération: comment conjuguer collaboration et relations humaines’, July, 2001
Grain de Sel, No. 18, ‘Coopération: comment conjuguer collaboration et relations humaines’, July, 2001
Courrier du Loiret, ‘Un train peut en cacher un autre’, August 8, 2001
Regards, No. 86, ‘Talégrand NOEL: L’Abraysien du mois’, Sept 2004
Haïti Tribune, ‘Spécial cyclone: Manifestation de solidarité avec Haïti’, Oct 2004
Le Nouvelliste, « Une importante journée de graduation et de diffusion sur le financement populaire, December 12, 2006
Le Nouvelliste, « Rendez-vous sur la place du marché », March 19, 2007

(Organizer, title, place, period or date, year)
Secours Catholique, ‘Crise politique haïtienne: que peut faire l’Eglise pour nourrir l’espérance?’, Presented in Several Cities in France, 1990 to 1992
CCFD (Comite Catholique contre la Faim pour le Development) , ‘Haïti: les causes du sous-développement et les perspectives», Presented in several cities in France, 1992 to 2000

CCFD, ‘La vie des Enfants en domesticité en Haïti et les solutions proposées par le mouvement Klib Timoun Kè Kontan de Verrettes’, Rhône-Alpes Region, March 1997

Talégrand NOEL, ‘La résistance non-violente: une espérance pour Haïti ?’, Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris, Sept 23, 1999

CMR(Chretiens en Monde Rurale)/Aînés, ‘Dire sa foi: comment faire Eglise?’, March 7, 1998

Atelye de Vèret, ‘Rôle des organisations paysannes dans le développement en Haïti’, Lyon, Feb, 2000

DIAL (Diffusion d’Informations sur l’Amerique Latine), ‘Quelle coopération possible entre Haïti et les pays latino-américains et caraïbéens ?’, March 2000

Peuples Solidaires, « Quel type de solidarité peut-on envisager avec Haïti ? », Souzy,T. NOEL, march 18, 2000

VOAM association and Collège d’Alberville, « Culture et développement », Collège d’Alberville, Talégrand NOEL March, 2000

CEIPAL, « Les outils du développement », Lyon, Talégrand NOEL, Jan, 2001

Talégrand NOEL, « Mondialisation : freins et avantages », Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris, René Valette and Talégrand NOEL, april 3, 2001

Atelye de Vèret, « Haïti dans tous ses états : la culture haïtienne et le vaudou »., Lyon, Talégrand NOEL, nov 23, 2001

Le Relais, « La complexité de la réalité », Chilleurs aux Bois, Talégrand NOEL, dec 7, 2001

DCC ( Délégation Catholique pour la Coopération) : « Ce qu’il faut savoir de la culture haïtienne en général et de l’Eglise en particulier » Carquefou, Talégrand NOEL, July 11, 2002

Talégrand NOEL, « Afrique-Haïti : quelle coopération possible? », Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris Gaspard NSAFOU and Talégrand NOEL, april, 2003

CCFD, « Solidarité et souveraineté alimentaire », Paris, Gérard BARTHELEMY and Talégrand NOEL, March 27, 2004

Ciné de Château-Renard « Royal Bonbon » followed by debate on Haïti ‘s future, Château-Renard, Micheline BILLOT and Talégrand NOEL, May 5, 2004,

CMR ( Chrétiens en Monde Rural) , «Des chrétiens s’interrogent pour comprendre ce qui n’a pas fonctionné pendant le mandat du prêtre-Président », Beaune-La-Rolande and Talégrand NOEL, May 11, 2004

Relais, « Haïti, qu’as-tu fait de tes 200 ans d’indépendance ? », Chilleurs aux Bois, Sheila LAPLANCHE and Talégrand NOEL, May 13, 2004

Doyenné du Gâtinais, « Comment l’annonce de l’Evangile est-elle prise en compte dans les communautés que vous connaissez dans votre pays ? Comment le Christ est-il célébré ? Quelles sont les différences avec nos célébrations gâtinaises ? Comment la solidarité est-elle vécue ? », Lorris, Talégrand NOEL, May 16, 2004

PAFHA, « Le rôle des associations Franco-haïtiennes et zoom sur la coopération entre la France et Haïti », Paris, d’Alain RAYMOND, Lorfis Réjouis and Talégrand NOEL, July 3, 2004

PAFHA, « Dynamisme de la littérature haïtienne en diaspora », Paris, Kerns Fleurimond, Guy Cétoute, Maurouard and Talégrand NOEL, July 3, 2004

CRID (Centre de Recherche et d’Informations sur le Développement), « Les droits économiques sociaux et culturels en Haït », Angers, Talégrand NOEL, July 8 to 10, 2004,

Talégrand NOEL, « Rôle des institutions dans une démocratie », Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris, François JULIEN-LAFERRIERE and Talégrand NOEL, sept 13, 2004

Ass’Hum,: « Haïti : quel est l’avenir du monde paysan ?» , Saint-Etienne, Christophe WARGNY and Talégrand NOEL, sept 25, 2004

Frères des Hommes and Collectif Haïti de France « Les ruraux haïtiens : forces et faiblesses, potentiel, opportunités, défis et perspectives » , Paris, Micha Gaillard, Maurice LEMOINE, Christiane TAUBIRA and Talégrand NOEL, Oct 1, 2004

Associations Echanges et développement « Haïti : hier, aujourd’hui et demain », Tours, Gérard BARTHELEMY and Talégrand NOEL, Oct 14, 2004

Familles de France, « Après le passage du cyclone Jeanne : Quelle solidarité avec Haïti ? », Saint-Jean de Braye, Geneviève GREVECHE and Talégrand NOEL, Oct 31, 2004

Haïti Soleil d’Espérance, « Haïti : hier, aujourd’hui et demain » Orléans, Claude QUEMAR, Marcel DORIGNY and Talégrand NOEL, nov 13, 2004 historien

Haïti-Ecoles, « The Agronomist » followed by debate on Haïti’s future, Cessy, Elisabeth TASSEL and Talégrand NOEL, Nov 18, 2004

Salon du livre de Quimper, « Haïti: hier, aujourd’hui et demain », Quimper, Talégrand NOEL, Nov 21, 2004

Artisans du Monde, « Les ruraux haïtiens: forces et faiblesses, potentiel, opportunités, défis et perspectives » Paris, Talégrand NOEL, Jan 28, 2005

CCFD, « Solidarité internationale » Saint Denis en Val church, Talégrand NOEL, March 13, 2005

Association Mozaïc, « Remboursement de l’indemnité de l’indépendance et de la dette actuelle » Châteaudun, Claude QUEMAR and Talégrand NOEL, april 30, 2005

Collectif Haïti de France « A propos du partenariat », Nantes Odile BAILLY and T. NOEL, May 28, 2005
PAFHA,« Les fondements politiques de la crise alimentaire haïtienne : clés pour comprendre les mécanismes de la crise agricole en Haïti ( choix économiques des dirigeants successifs haïtiens, échec des solutions imposées par les institutions internationales : dette externe, plans d’ajustement structurel …etc.), Paris, Bernard TAILLEFER and Talégrand NOEL, July 2, 2005

Le Relais, « Marche vers la communion » Chilleurs aux Bois, Talégrand NOEL, october 2004 to august 2005


(Channel, title, speaker, place, date, year)

Radio France Internationale (RFI) : « Quel avenir pour la démocratie en Haïti ? », Paris, Talégrand NOEL, Féb 7, 1996

RCF, « La vie des Enfants en domesticité en Haïti et les solutions proposées par le mouvement Klib Timoun Kè Kontan de Verrettes », Lyon, Talégrand NOEL, March 13, 1997

RCF, « La vie des Enfants en domesticité en Haïti et les solutions _proposes par le mouvement Klib Timoun Kè Kontan de Verrettes », Bourg en Bresse, Talégrand NOEL, March 1997

RCF d’Orléans « La chanson au service de la paix et du développement », Orléans, Talégrand NOEL, Oct, 1997

Canal Satellite, « Paysans d’ Haïti/ Haïti : un pays à la dérive ? », Paris, Christian GIRAULT, Gilles DANROC, Jean-Pierre ROCA, Greg CHAMBERLAIN and Talégrand NOEL, 1999

RCI de Lyon, « Multiculturalité : intérêts et contraintes », Lyon, Talégrand NOEL, Feb, 2000

Magic FM, « Galerie d’art », Port-au-Prince, March 1, 2007,

Radio Soleil, « Kamyonet Soley », Port-au-Prince, March 2, 2007

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