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MP3 Bunny Sings Wolf - ST8NEWALKER

From the sacred Black Hills, songs of Ancient Petroglyph Stone wisdom carried by human voice, simple, clear, with Nat. Amer. Flute, drum, acoustic guitar

13 MP3 Songs in this album (57:10) !
Related styles: WORLD: Native American, FOLK: Alternative Folk

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Many indigenous tribes have long understood the powerful energies and creative force held in stones (the rock) and many creation legends and stories tell of them giving their blood (energies) to create all form, shape, life.
The Lakota call them Inyan Oyate – Stone Nation - (Creator) and those who carry (walk) them and sing their songs for healing and wisdom teaching, a Stonewalker.

The number 8 (eight) replaces the “0” in  the CD Title to emphasize  the vortex, circle of life , one-ness theme of the CD that she feels is best represented by the Stone Nation and the theme of all her music which is a Lakota prayer/way of life - Mitakuye Oyasin - we are all related, all my relations.

With a gently confident voice in 13 original songs inspired by the songs from the stones she has “walked” , cherished and listened to since childhood, the stories contained in this beautiful compilation of her own genre of Lakota-inflective folk music tell of the challenges of protecting natural resources, honoring the miracle of life, and the “walk”, practice and practicality of living in harmony, balance, abundance, peace with all our relations while pursuing ones’ own unique visions and most sacred dreams.

The CD liner notes highlight the many gifts that come from Stone Nation, and concludes:

 ...residing everywhere, in everything, forever alive and dead in more ways than words may express. Confined yet always free, fearing nothing and loving always, reminding us of the great circle of life and 8ur smallness, 8ur greatness, 8ur potentials, forever-ness, an our 8ne-ness. Stoic, beautiful and without breath yet speaking in all languages in crystal wave energies, and singing songs through the voices and traveling through the feet of those who listen, pick them up, and carry them where they wish. I am such a 8ne, a hollow bone, a St8newalker.

Following are the song titles, production information and liner notes for this CD.

1. Winter’s Lullabye – sung as long as there have been seasons. Ancient Stone Nation (Inyan Oyate) observes life forms come and go and knows there is time for awakening and aliveness and time for going to sleep and returning to Mother Earth – this is the nurturing story of the great circle of 8ne-ness of which Winter is a miraculous part, and the song that the great Earth Mother sings to take to sleep. Ancient Arapahoe Lulla-bye song included as an undertone in the bridge was taught to Bunny by Arapahoe Cultural Advisors and Grandmother-Elders on the Wind River Reservation of Wyoming. More information about them along with photos at Bunny''s website. Lyrics and Music of the English part of song by Wayne Johnson and Bunny Sings Wolf, Vocals, Nat. Amer. Flute, Guitar by Bunny Sings Wolf. Produced by Lee Engberg. Engineered and Mixed by Marc Klock, Fusion Studio, https://www.tradebit.com © 2007 Bunny Sings Wolf, Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP.

2. More Than a Mountain addresses the Stone Nation that is used to build grand memorials, and the dust clouds created in that process that travel the winds to new places, finding rest in new forms and new realities, reminding us (perhaps even more than the memorials themselves) to never forget and to manifest our cloud-like dreams, for dreams are sacred and their energies eternal. Guitar, Flute, Mixed, Recorded, Engineered and Produced in the Black Hills by David Allen Vogelbacher, Badlands Thunder Studio. Music by David Allen and Bunny Sings Wolf. Lyrics and Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf, © 2000 Bunny Sings Wolf, Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP.

3. Cold Creek’s waters flow over Stone Nation, living in complete harmony and good relationship where the roots of the Willows grow. Many indigenous peoples who devoutly honored the sacred relationship between us and the natural world used these willows to create temporary shelters and places of worship where stones were brought in and heated for prayer and healing ceremonies. Water and stone, like prayer, and the very earth upon which we Stonewalkers walk, contain the promise of harmony and balance of which many prayers and prayer songs speak. The meaning of the word - Arapahoe (we are the Caretakers of the Earth…) is employed in this earth story-song, denoting the beauty of this sacred relationship, and how patience and adhering to our sacred earth honoring visions, walking in a sacred manner holds, for us and all our relations, the promise of a new day. Lyrics,  Music, Native American Flute, Guitar, Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf . Recorded and mixed by in the sacred Black Hills by Stringbean Svenson, Fiddlestring Productions, Produced by Lee Engberg © 2004 Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP

4. In Vision Quest (Lakota-Hanblecheya) we humbly become like Stone Nation, and stay in one place on a solitary hill to pray for 1 to 4 days with no food or water, praying with little sleep, to find vision. For some, it awakens us to our 8neness with all that is and all that was, and the special, unique and sacred gifts we individually have to carry out again into our short time in this earth walk. It taught me that all too soon we eventually will become a dry, hollow bone, returning again to the great Stone Nation (Creator ) source of everything that is – thus each breath of life is truly a sacred gift to be cherished and walked wisely, in awareness of our 8ne-ness, for all that we think and do comes back around to us again. Mixed, Engineered and Produced in the Black Hills by David Allen Vogelbacher, Badlands Thunder Studio. Music, Lyrics, Guitar, Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf. © 2000 Bunny Sings Wolf, Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP.

5. Freedom – In a vision, in a dream this song came with Lakota words telling me to send my voice with a prayer that more will sing along and learn the truth of this song, that we can “stand up, manifest it, it can be done.” Though the current dominate culture has viciously taught us that Freedom is something we do not have, nor deserve without great effort, and that it needs to be “fought” for, Stone Nation knows this could not be further from the truth, seeing freedom as a natural and eternal right that flows within the great circle, with gentle and easy access of each of us who hold this knowledge.  Here is the unsung verse “If only they would listen, if everyone would see, ALL could live in freedom and learn her melody,  oh how grand this life would be!  Yes the whole world would be free and sing  “Freedom lives – in me!  Oh won’t you sing along,  and LIVE IN freedom’s song?” For this knowledge this song is sent for it is more than time to finally just manifest it in every corner of our planet in a good way with response-ability. Lyrics, Music, Native American Flute, Guitar, Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf . Recorded and mixed by in the sacred Black Hills by Stringbean Svenson, Fiddlestring Productions, Produced by Lee Engberg © 2002 Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP

6. Vortex, circle, spiral – or the “finger of God”, however we choose to “see” it, the 8 is the shape of galaxies, DNA, and whirlwinds, all holding chaos and calm. It is within our natural birthright of freedom to choose where we wish to place ourselves within these powerful creative forces. Guitar, Drum, Recorded, Mixed, Engineered and Produced in the Black Hills by David Allen Vogelbacher, Badlands Thunder Studio. Lyrics, Music Arrangement and Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf, © 2000 Bunny Sings Wolf, Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP.

7. O Great Spirit – source – all elements including us, made up of the “star stuff” from Stone Nation – this is an ancient Lakota prayer (some say the source of these words is Ojibiwa*). The music came to me in a dream so that these humble words may perhaps awaken and soften stone hearts of today to walk in a humble and appreciative way.  Music, Native American Flute, Guitar, Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf. Recorded and mixed by in the sacred Black Hills by Stringbean Svenson, Fiddlestring Productions, Produced by Lee Engberg © 2001 Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP

* Ojibiwa were the tribe that originally referenced in their tongue the Lakota-Dakota-Nakota as "snake in the grass" (some believe this was a reference of great respect for their wisdom and prowress) which later was misconstrued by the French to eventually name the Soanes people "Sioux" (enemy) for which they are now more commonly "identified", although the original meaning of Lakota is "friend". It seems to my heart that the O Great Spirit prayer speaks in the humble and respectful way I learned is uniquely Lakota - and in harmony with the way of life and prayer - Mitakuye Oyasin - all my relations, we are all related.

8. Two Worlds Clash – Of Rock, paper, scizzors, in nature only rock endures. When manmade stuff conflicts with the natural world, the natural world always “wins” eventually, thus the need to learn to live in harmony with all our relations. Mitakuye Oyasin – Lakota – we are all related, all my relatives (we are 8one). Lyrics,  Music, Native American Flute, Guitar, Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf . Recorded and mixed by in the sacred Black Hills by Stringbean Svenson, Fiddlestring Productions, Produced by Lee Engberg © 2001 Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP

9. Four Winds – In Lakota culture four is a sacred number representing so many things that make up creation, and the winds from the four directions make up the creative forces that take us on our life journey. This song is a prayer I recorded while on the Wind River Reservation and used the song to share some earth honoring culture with students at St. Stephens’ Indian School. Lyrics,  Music, Native American Flute, Guitar, Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf .

10. Joyful 49 Greeting Drum Duet - Little Paws Fleming assisting Bunny Sings Wolf in Concert at Devil''s Tower National Monument Amphitheatre at dusk June 2006 (Photo courtesy of Devil''s Tower National Monument) - singing Joyful 49 Greeting Drum Duet. This is a traditional Indian greeting song. I was told that bands would sing as they gathered after a long winter apart in smaller bands, singing as they were approaching each other across the prairies joining in this round song as they greeted one another and set up camp. In Lakota there is no word for “good-bye” as it is understood we are never truly separated from the 8ne-ness that we are, and although distance  appears to physically separate us, we are always 8ne and the part of the whole, and can always meet again in friendship and song. I learned this song from friends Storm Seymore (Meskwaki Nation), Stephanie Snow (Ho-Chunk-Lakota), Carol Moisa, and Ralph Moisa (of Yaqui descent), who I performed with at White Eagle Seventh Generation Multi-Cultural Pow Wow, https://www.tradebit.com, August, 2002 in Des Moines where 14 tribes gathered to sing and dance with intent to help mend the sacred hoop. I was honored to bring sage from the Black Hills to share with all my relatives there along with many of these dream songs that I sang under a full moon concluding with the "White Buffalo Peace Song" and all sang happily along in celebration of the hoop mending changes already taking place even back then as more awakened to walk in a sacred manner. Drum and Vocals by Little Paws Fleming (Cherokee Nation) and Bunny Sings Wolf. Recorded and mixed in the sacred Black Hills by Stringbean Svenson, Fiddlestring Productions, Produced by Lee Engberg © 2006 Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved – ASCAP

11. Now Is The Time! - A truth simple as a heartbeat drum. The gift of life is now. Now is the time to Live.  Lyrics,  Music, Native American Flute, Guitar, Vocals by Bunny Sings Wolf . Produced by Lee Engberg © 2002 Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved - ASCAP

12. Dreaming Softly –Our modern culture has forgotten the need, the joy, the sacredness of sleep and dreams, the wonderful place from which all these songs have manifested. All the drums and flutes and songs on this album were given to me as gifts. The songs, music lyrics and harmonies came in dreams that awaken me usually at 3:00 a.m., telling me just how the song should be sung and played and I have attempted, with little recording funding, and with the instruments gifted me to replicate what I have heard for flute, drum and guitar accompaniment. The Flutes (created, carved with white buffalo birds by Mark Nelson) and guitars (purchased and gifted by Lee Engberg who budgeted, and saved to provide these when even money for rent was scarce) and drums (from dreams that began in 1996 before we met in 2001, from a gentle heart who hears the songs of the tree people, picks up the wood and painstakingly carves and creates awesome beauty from the natural world - Jim Lee) were all given me as gifts from strong and gentle hearted men who have sacrificed much to honor the feminine energies that now must come forth in these dream songs for Abundance, Harmony, Balance and Peace to manifest for us and for future generations. Thank you for keeping an open heart and for hearing what Mother Earth is sending through the Stone Nations'' songs in these transformational times in a very good way! Recorded and mixed by in the sacred Black Hills by Stringbean Svenson, Fiddlestring Productions, Produced by Lee Engberg © 2009 Hillbunny Productions, all rights reserved – ASCAP

Total time 57:17

Proceeds from this CD go to help to set up a web site (now being designed by Bunny) and to finally publish a long held book "John Grass, American Indian Patriot" by Angela A. Boleyn, written on the Moon of the Tipsin Buds, 1961, and gifted to John Grass''s family to publish (according to South Dakota Hall of Fame inductee Chief John Grass'' wishes) long after the participants of the Battle of Little Big Horn have passed.

Richard D. Grass, Treaty Chief and Grand Chief of Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nation, Bloodline decent Grandson of John Grass-Charging Bear, Chief Two Strike, Chief Red Cloud, Chief White Swan, Chief Sitting Bull, Old Chief Frost, Chief White Bird, and Chief Crazy Horse has requested and entrusted Bunny Sings Wolf to design the web site and attempt to find funding and a viable way to finally publish this book to let the truth of the "Sioux" nation finally be known fully and to correct many inaccuracies reported by "white" historians about tribal structure, spirituality, life style, beliefs, and the line of traditional Chiefs.

Regarding the new web site, Richard Grass writes:

"Following the footsteps of my Great Grandfather, Chief John Grass, as treaty Chief for the L.D.N. Nation and dynastic Grand Chief of the General Council I am posting my own web site for educational purposes as a resource of strength and pride for our people, to help broaden understanding of our nation, and to give insight into the work being prayerfully done to see that the treaties now still in force are finally honored, as I continue to work to preserve our broad land base, our unique and beautiful languages, traditional, cultural, and spiritual ways of life for our people now and for future generations to come."

If you would like to help with this timely and important educational and cultural protection and preservation project for the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nation to which these dream songs from the Stone Nation have led Bunny Sings Wolf and her Hillbunny Produtions to actively participate and promote, please send your check or money order to:

Chief Richard Grass
c/o Hillbunny Productions
P.O. Box 784
Lead S.D.
or order order your own copy of the St8newalker CD here or online at Bunny''s website, where soon there will appear a link to Richard Grass''s web site where you will find excerpts from the new book and much information about the work the Traditional Chiefs have been doing on behalf of the L.D.N. Nation now, and for future generations of St8newalkers to come.

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