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Backing Tracks

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Backing Tracks: Need some music for your Karaoke night or do you just like to sing along with the music? If so, try one of the popular keywords or phrases below to locate a backing track for you performance. Do you have a specific song you like to groove to? If so, type it into the search box in the top corner and choose "music" from the list of options.
There are no vocals, just background music to well-known titles which have been sung by artists such as Elvis, Michael Jackson, Queen, and Jimmy Buffet. Choose what you like and download it instantly.

"Backing Track" downloads

Thumbnail The  Beatles - Eleanor Rigby

The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby

The Beatles Karaoke Soundtrack - Eleanor Rigby - Backing Track without Vocals for your optimal performance. Karaoke Soundtracks. Backing Tracks...
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6.99 USD
Thumbnail The  Beatles -  Let It Be

The Beatles - Let It Be

The Beatles Karaoke Soundtrack - Let It Be - Backing Track without Vocals for your optimal performance. Karaoke Soundtracks. Backing...
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6.99 USD

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