Mom for One, Mom for Many One outstanding way for a mom to make a good living working at home is to do what you are already very good at doing. That is being a mom but do it for a living. Becoming a mom is a natural transition that seems to make moms and dads suddenly love children when they may not have been so enamored of them before they had their own. That nesting instinct you have as a mom is something that you share with other moms. It naturally spills over if you watch the children of friends at church or when they come over for playgroup. This is why one of the easiest work at home jobs a mom can set up is to perform some very basic daycare services for friends and people who need a safe and nurturing environment for their children to be in while they work or attend to other duties. Now, the line between simple babysitting and a daycare is fuzzy but important. You could fairly easily do babysitting for friends and even sit for the same "customers" each day and get paid a good wage for it and never set up a formal daycare. The distinction may be whether you offer your services to the public or not. It’s a good distinction to be aware of because setting up a day care is a good deal more complicated and expensive. You enter into issues of licensing, inspections, permits and you would probably have to incorporate your home business into a formal business. But you can offer childcare services as an informal babysitter and reap all of the rewards without all of that fuss as long as you use networking to find your "customers". For a new mom, it isn't hard to find other moms who need somewhere safe and nurturing to drop off their children from time to time or even every day. This is not to say you would not operate your home business in a safe and sanitary way. No doubt, you are capable of keeping a wonderful environment for the kids you care for that could rival any daycare in town. But by keeping your work at home business caring for children personal and informal, you save a lot of money and buy yourself the freedom to pick and chose who you care for and when you care to work and when you decide to take a day off. To begin using your love of children as your work at home income, first take a look at your rooms to see what changes you might need to make. You may need to childproof the house much more so that you can contain a half dozen little ones more so than you do caring for your own children. If you are going to keep children through meals, you will need the storage facilities for additional cooking supplies and food and the tools to prepare lunches for a number to tykes will be important. You may even look at the toys and videos you have on hand. Just letting other children play with your kid's things may not be sufficient nor wise. Simply think through a normal day that would transpire as you cared for 6-8 additional children along with your own. Think about how to keep them healthy and amused. Think about activities that you would want your child to be doing if he or she were being cared for by someone else. In the end, you want the children to go home chattering about how much fun they had with your family. And you want the moms and dads that put their youngsters in your care to be very happy they chose you to provide a loving and safe place where can leave their precious children and go about their business knowing they will be just as much loved and cared for as they would at home. That is a blessing to those parents and a great home based business for you. PPPPP Word Count 679