Purchasing Private Label Rights to Save Work A quick way to get some articles circulating at article sites is by purchasing ones with private label rights. You will need to do some work to these before you submit them. Understand that other people are purchasing the same private label rights. When several people submit identical articles, each listing themselves as the author, it becomes a problem. Your need to make your private label articles unique. In most cases, buying these articles allows you to change them in any way you please. It is your choice whether to do a total rewrite or you can just change a few things that will make it different from what the other owners of the same articles have. Change titles and subtitles completely. Don't change their meaning, just the wording. Make sure the headline still tells readers what the article is about, just say it in a different way. Next, change the first and last paragraphs. Again, keep the original meaning of the paragraphs, just change the wording. Just changing a few words in each sentence can make all the difference. Making these changes will only take a couple of minutes. Replace one word with another one that exactly the same meaning as the original word. Change links that appear in the article. Use your own affiliate links, or even with product links if want, just as long as the links you are placing in the content still fits with the content you are good to go. Finally, read the article through. Is there anything that you would normally word differently, or even say better? If so, change the wording to your own. With the above changes, the article is an original and no longer just a private label rights one!