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Content Creation Pack

Finally content you deserve!

Get an ultimate collection of 535,000 professionally written articles with full private label rights!

You will get 255,000 PLR articles in a txt format with complete rights to be rewritten, edited and published in any way. Now you can create unlimited number of fresh articles, web pages, niche sites, email courses, blog posts and info products without additional freelance costs.

You will also get 280,000 PLR articles in a mysql database format, which you can import directly into your mysql database, or extract with a converter to excel or text, then rewrite them, spin them and treat them like all other txt articles.

Articles are divided into following categories and subcategories:

Arts & Entertainment (celebrities, music, photography, poetry, humanities, humor...) Business (advertising, careers, customer service, entrepreneurs, ethics, home based business, management, marketing, networking, public relations, sales, small business...) Computers & Technology (communications, computer, certification, data recovery, games, hardware, home entertainment, networks, software, web development) Fashion (clothing, jewelry, shoes...)

Food & Beverage (coffee, cooking, gourmet, recipes, wine...) Finance (credit, currency, trading, debt, debt consolidation, fund raising, insurance, investing, leasing, loans, mortgage, mutual funds, personal finance, real estate, stock market, taxes...) Health & Fitness (acne, alternative medicine, beauty, cardio, depression, diabetes, disease & illness, exercise, fitness equipment, hair loss, medicine, mens issues, nutrition, weight loss, womens issues...)

Home & Family (babies, crafts, elderly care, gardening, hobbies, holidays, home improvement, home security, interior design, landscaping, parenting, pets, pregnancy...) Internet Business (affiliate programs, article marketing, auctions, audio-video streaming, blogging, domains, ebooks, ecommerce, email marketing, ezine marketing, ezine publishing, forums, Internet marketing, podcasts, PPC advertising, RSS, security, SEO, site promotion, spam, traffic generation, web design, web hosting, etc.)

Product Reviews (book reviews, digital products, movie reviews, music reviews...) Recreation Sports (biking, extreme, fishing, golf, hunting, martial arts, running, tennis...) Reference Education (college, environmental, home schooling, K-12 education, language, legal, philosophy, psychology, science, sociology, weather, etc.

And much more...

With our content creation software you will be able to spin articles, rewrite articles, get ideas for new content, submit articles and build unlimited article web pages.

The article software you will get is:

Article Content Spinner - Article Ideas Generator - Article Writer Rewriter Article Submitter Buzz - Article Submitter Pro - Article Advantage Pro Article Helper - Article Page Machine - Push Button Article Site Builder.

Copywriting guides: The Speedy Guide To Web Copywriting, Effective Copywriting 101, Internet Copywriting Handbook, Content Creation Secrets and Copywriters Blueprint - are also included in the package.

Enjoy your new unique content!

Content Creation Pack is a part of the Ultimate Marketing Pack located at https://www.tradebit.com.

Individual packages you can find here: https://www.tradebit.com

At tradebit you get a small download file, that will help you download the complete package.
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This file is sold by umpack, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type RAR
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