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The Amazing Mini Site Template

Looking for an easier way to create great looking mini sites?

This new "Amazing Mini Site Template" will allow you to...

"Quickly And Easily Put Together a Professional and Nicely Formatted Mini Site Yourself, Any Time You Need To!"

No tech skills and no special software required.

Dear Fellow Marketer,
if you sell products online, you know that it could be a hassle to get a new site up every time you have a new product.

You not only need some nice graphics for your site, like a cover image for your product, and maybe a header, and an overall template, but you also need nice formatting of the sales page itself (things like text, bullets, testimonial boxes, etc.).

It takes time to format a website nicely yourself. You have to go in there and do all these little things manually. And if you have a long sales page this could take a while, especially if you don't know what you're doing. That's why a lot of people hire designers to do all this formatting stuff for them (which obviously adds up to a lot of money if you have several different products).

That's why this "Amazing Mini Site Template" was created. So that you can quickly and easily put together a professional mini site when ever you need to.

And the main thing that makes this template special is that here you not only get a nice overall template design, but also all the inner page stuff like the text, bullets, testimonial boxes, order area, etc.. All of this stuff is already nicely formatted for you in CSS and HTML, so all you have to do pretty much is copy and paste your own details, and you have a professional mini site ready to go.

And if you don't know anything about CSS and have little HTML skills, don't worry, this template is very easy to use. There is no advanced coding and "tech weirdness" involved.

It's a basic "what you see is what you get" template. No advanced technical skills required and no special software required. You just need some basic HTML skills and any HTML editor you already have.

You can use this template as a foundation of your new mini sites, instead of starting from scratch. Or you can take the parts you like and add them to your exisiting template that you already use.

You get pretty much everything you need like all the different headlines, bullets, testimonials boxes, etc.. Plus you can add your own graphics or CSS styles.

Highly Customizable Template...

Pretty much everything you need to make a mini site is in this template, and of course you can add and customize things further (like insert a product image or any other graphics you might have, change the fonts or text colors, change the background colors, etc.).

To give you more variety right away, and make things even easier for you, I'm providing this template in.... 4 Template Variations + 7 Colors For Each Variation...

Each of these different variations of the template all come with the same formatted and customizable elements, and everything already placed in appropriate places and ready to go. So you can quickly put together a nice looking mini site by simply inserting your own details into the templates.

Each of these templates comes in 7 different light gradient background colors (which you can change to any other background image or color, if you want). So there's a varity of different color variations to chose from right away.

Here are the different template variations....

>>► Template Variation 1:
This template comes with a header area (where you can place your own header image in any format), and a background behind the header that extends the full length of the screen.

+ Matching PSD header template
For this template you can place your own header image into the space provided. AND you will also get a matching PSD header that you can modify and add your own details into. This special header perfectly fits the look of this template and has the matching round corners for the sales page. (Just to be clear, you don't have to use this PSD header, the HTML template comes with an area for you to put your existing header in any format. So you don't need Photoshop or any other specific software.)

>>► Template Variation 2:
This is pretty much the same template as above, but without the extending bar going across the whole screen. Again, you can use any header for this template, or create a new one with the provided PSD header.

>>► Template Variation 3:
With this variation you get a template without a header and with a simple background gradient. Nice, simple and professional look.

>>► Template Variation 4:
With this variation the template comes with round corners at the top and a background with a small bar and gradient going across the width of the whole screen. And again, you can use any other background image or color if you want.

So with all of these different variations there are quite a few different "looks" to chose from right away, to give you a nice quick head start.

And don't forget, you can further modify everything (add your own header images, make the background color of the templates what ever you want, change the inside formatting and add any graphics you want inside the templates).

A Variety Of Different Colors For The Graphics Elements.

Just like the template itself comes in different color variations, you also get different graphics and design elements in different colors...

You'll get 5 different "Add to Cart" buttons, 6 different bullets, and 3 different testimonial boxes. (And yes you can substitute these with your own graphics).
Full PSD Source Files To Everything

You'll get PSD source files to the template design, the header, and all the other graphics. So you can further customize things. You don't have to use these PSD files, since these templates are already formatted and ready to go, but if you want to modify any part of the template or the graphics elements, you can. So you get tremendous flexibility with all this, and you can trully create your own unique mini site design, look, and feel.

Lets recap about what you will receive...

● The Amazing Mini Site Templates.
● Original sales page in english and german.
● Images and a Master Resale Rights License.
● Privacy Policy-, Earnings Disclaimer-, Terms and Conditions Page.

We are authorised Reseller and in the possession of the necessary licences for this product. Therefore we do not offend against the copyright! For the software & scripts no Support can be performed!

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