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Speaking Profits Avalanche - Instruction Videos & Audios

Winning The Public Speaking Game: The Complete Master Plan For Maximizing Your Profits, Business and Reputation Through... Speaking!

Dear Aspiring Speaker,

According to most studies, peoples number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two? Does that seem right? To the average person that means that if they have to go to a funeral, theyd be better off in the casket than giving the eulogy.

Jerry Seinfelds humour here may be too dark for some but it sure hit hard on the point about the fear of public speaking. So why are people so afraid and insecure about public speaking? Whats keeping you from reaching your true income potential? Is it the lack of contacts? The confidence in your expertise? Or is it the inability to reach your market?

If youve ever wanted to speak and earn an income with it without hassling with the fear of public speaking than this will be the most important message youll ever read.

Because I am about to show you how you can embark on a public speaking career thatll allow you to boost both your income and your self-esteem. Youll be able to open doors you otherwise might not even consider, like book contracts, paid travel, high-paying clients, and even national television exposure.

All of this sounds great but of course, if it were truly that easy, everyone would be doing it. Im going to be brutally honest with you becoming a public speaker takes some effort. You need to find an audience, learn to promote yourself, and - like everything else - you need to start at the bottom and work your way up.

Does that sound like too much work for very little pay off? You might be surprised. Lets look at some of the reasons why everyone should consider adding speaking engagements to their overall business plan.
Any type of business can benefit from booking a few speaking engagements. Thats a pretty bold statement, I know, so lets look at some real-life examples:

Life and career coaches - Hold talks about parenting, organization, goal setting, and creating a better home life for your family.

Virtual assistants - Organize courses to educate business owners about finding, hiring, and working with a VA

Niche marketers - Speak at seminars or conferences to teach others how to earn money as affiliate

Web designers - Propose or pitch to business clients who want to learn how they can improve their online presence

Bloggers - Similar book authors can speak publicly about their area of expertise, e.g. photography or home cooking or even childrens crafts

Crafters - Demonstrate their art and perhaps teach a new technique to interest groups or various groups who hold interest in art and craft

No matter what business youre in, there are bound to be groups of people who are interested in what you have to say.

Lets say youre a solo-preneur offering ghostwriting services for others. Writers conferences would love to invite you to speak about your experiences as a ghostwriter at their event or people who wants to go into this area would be more than ready to sign up for your course.

What about if your family owns a restaurant? Restaurant owner associations would love to engage you to speak about your know-how in managing a restaurant and etc.

Okay... Now I Understand Why Public Speaking
Is A Necessary Skill To Pick Up But...

I Could Never Speak In Front Of A Crowd!
Im Too Shy!
Ill Be Boring.
People Will Laugh At Me.
Im Too Nervous!
Ill Forget What I Want To Say.
I Wont Be Able To Answer Peoples Questions.
Ill Freeze.

And many more...

Do all of the above thoughts plague and paralyse you from going into public speaking? Would it surprise you to know that some of the most sought after speakers today actually have a similar list described above and the only difference they might have is that their list is much longer?

The same people who today can confidently step onto a stage and wow a crowd of thousands all started out right where you are: terrified to give a short talk in front of their high school English class because they are painfully shy.

So.. How Did They Jump Over That Seemingly
Huge Hurdle Of Terror?

I decided to combine all the researchall the hours I spent researching on how to overcome the fear of public speaking into a single solution thatll help you launch a successful speaking career.

Youll get all the tips techniques thatll allow you to speak confidently and with excellence when you invest in:

Speaking Profits Avalanche

Speaking Profits Avalanche will enable anyone to get started, get engaged with your audience and skyrocket your business profits without having to worry about being a beginner in the speaking business.

Youll get the complete ecourse on earning massive profits with Public Speaking.

All of this was created from countless hours of preparation, research, experiences and recording.

You see, I am very proud of Speaking Profits Avalanche. Because after you use it youll be able to confidently launch your very own public speaking business. Not only that, youll also be able to earn a good amount of profits from it.

Sounds great, doesnt it?

*ALL* The Most POWERFUL Secrets, Tips, Tricks, Tools & Techniques That Have EVER Been Written (or Spoken) on the Subject of Public Speaking & How to Get Started Are Included in This LARGER-THAN-LIFE Ecourse!

- Dominate the stage by building your confidence with practice knowing your topic inside and out is the first step to greater self confidence

- Overthrow those negative self-talk that threatens to freeze you in your tracks and jeopardize your dream of an ultra successful speaking career

- Differentiate yourself with a strong skill set that will set you apart from other speakers and get hold of the best weapon against nervousness!

- How to dazzle people with a successful presentation that make them want to come back for more

- Defeat the fear that holds you back from achieving your fullest potential - the biggest myth that will kill your new career even before it begins!

- How to craft a great opening guaranteed to get your audience eyes glued to your presentation from start to finish...
- Unlock the secrets of how to change your mindset so that you can let go of your self consciousness which might cripple you from achieving your full potential onstage

- The simple step you can take to realise the irrationality of the fear of being judged and what to do about it to avoid killing your speaking career even before you begin it.

- How, just by clinching your first speaking gig, youll find more and more opportunities begin to present themselves! First you need to know where to find them...

- Learn how you can overcome the fear that holds you back from achieving success in a speaking career. Youll be in for a surprise when you see how easy it is!

......And much much more...

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