MP3 Criminal ACE - I Will Survive
A new hip sound with funky Latin rhythm tracks- with hard core words LA Hip Hop at it''s best .
17 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: West Coast Rap, LATIN: General
Criminal ACE
Criminal ACE a rap artist from the Los Angeles area who is seeking to promote racial understanding and unity through his music. Ace has taken on the name "Criminal" as a reminder that many people look upon minorities as lazy or always into trouble, despite the inequality that exists, he believes that everyone has the potential to be an "ACE" in society. Until the day comes when minorities are judged by their individual qualities and are equal, he will retain the title "Criminal ACE."
Criminal ACE was inspired by his father Mike Rojas a world renown Drummer Percussionist. Mike has always stressed the importance of live instruments, this is why Criminal ACE has his father playing the all drums & percussion live in his album. A first in rap history a father and son appearing on the same album.
Mike Rojas has played and recorded with artist like Santana, War, El Chicano, Ralfi Pagan, & Joe Battan and many more. Roderick Norman is the man behind the live bass played on ACE''s debut album, Roderick Norman also co-produced all the tracks on the "I Will Survive." Album.
Criminal ACE''s began his own company ACE Productions at the age of 17 from his grandmothers house, following in his fathers footsteps. ACE created and implemented his own ideas to better fill the needs of the community. ACE Productions was founded and created by Michael Rojas Jr. AKA Criminal ACE.
ACE Productions was nominated by Hispanic Magazine as the fastest 100 growing Hispanic owned companies in 1997, 1998 & 1999. At the age of 20 ACE was already establishing a reputable relationships with the community by starting programs such as Down With Peace backed by the Los Angeles County Probation Department.
This program was designed to help and encourage kids to stay out of trouble, off drugs and Make their dreams a reality and stay in school. This was done with various recording artist being brought together by ACE to speak to kids at the juvenile detention centers and then give them a show.
ACE is currently in negotiations with a major condom company to promote Safe sex and encourage people to always be protected. ACE will be the first artist to have his own line of condoms and be a marketing executive in this major condom company. You will be hit with a surprise summer 1999 when ACE will be recording a Spanish album with Latin legend Mike Rojas and other well known musicians so look out for it.
That''s not it, besides just being a rapper/musician there is another goal in his life, ACE is also a law student pursuing a Law career to become an entertainer slash attorney to better help his purpose in the entertainment industry.
He is a Graduate of The Union Institute & University and is a certified paralegal in the state of California and is CEO of his very own paralegal practice called "JUSTICE FOR ALL." ACE has represented himself in a positive manner that his younger audience will be able to look up to Criminal ACE a definite HIT!
For more information on how to be a part of the Criminal ACE fan club write to P.O Box 3346 Burbank, CA 91508 or E-Mail us at CriminalACE@ to get an autographed photo.
To purchase the "I Will Survive" CD enclose a $10 pluse $3s&h check or money order Payable to Mike Rojas Jr.
and you will be moments away from listening to the funkiest beats, Look out for Criminal ACE''s 2nd album CRIMINAL ACE STRIKES BACK coming
Check out to see where ACE will be performing or appearing.
For more information contact: ACE Productions 323-731-4500