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Aberdeen North Car Sat Nav Routes 1 to
Aberdeen North Car Sat Nav Test Routes 1 to 5 in GPS eXchange Format.
You can load this example file into a TomTom or other GPS device and it will guide you to the test centre and then follow the route.
Dont forget that on route to the test centre you cant use a motorway if you are a learner unless in a dual controlled car with an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI).
Always just use the Sat Nav as a tool and take care to ensure its safe to drive where the Sat Nav directs you.
For more test routes or further help then please email: Sales@ or sales at drivingtesroute dot com
https:// DrivingTestRoute .co .uk
Copyright: Sales @ DrivingTestRoute .co .uk
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This file is sold by drivingtestroute, an independent seller on Tradebit.