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MP3 the primeTime sublime Community Orchestra - A Life in A Day of A Microorganism

Monty Python''s Illegitimate Children Flunk Out Of Music School - Multi-genre New? music featuring a narrated docudrama with digital actors and absurd audio collages of TV, radio and movie fragments.

7 MP3 Songs
SPOKEN WORD: Comedy, JAZZ: Weird Jazz

"(They sound) like someone crammed a blender full of rabid dogs, distempered cats, lab-tested rats and shrieking women climbing high on chairs to avoid the conflagration at their feet; pushed the button for "puree"; forgot to put the lid on; then sat down in front of the television, flipping through all the stations available from the best satellite dish as fast as their remote would allow with the volume turned up on their Dolby Surround Sound system while it all mixed together. And then recorded the entire fiasco and played it backwards, just for good measure."

- Dimestore https://www.tradebit.com


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"It''s like a glitter bomb exploded in Pleasantville, strewing smiling bloody
body parts of the milkman for miles. It''s like an orange duckbilled
platypus barfed up a cucumber birthday cake. It''s like the finger paintings
of the illegitimate crack baby born to Rene Magritte and Dr. Seuss. Words
must be invented to illustrate how zany this music really is. It''s
jubigraxequelzirkous. There. I invented one. I have no idea what it
means, but I love it. Much like your music."

- Max Tohline
host of "Happy Birthday, Dead Guy!" 
Missouri USA


Signal to Noise

With A Life in A Day of A Microorganism, Paul Minotto''s primeTime sublime Community Orchestra turns their second record of serious inspiration (or at least mad genius) in as many years.  Like Van Dyke Parks with a sampler, a decent synthesizer and a studio orchestra so chopped up that, even if they''re real, they''re well in the company of an ever-shifting virtual ensemble, the primeTime sublime weaves thematic fragments into a richly hyperactive symphonic tapestry.

The mostly instrumental music of the disc''s first half is scattered, rhythmically and melodically, and supremely playful.  Like Japanese electronic wizard Cornelius, the pTsCO embraces the alluring kitsch of plucked strings and pastoral ambience, jumping from voice to voice while maintaining a common toanl texture.  With only Minotto''s imagination to chart the structure of the music, the pieces sail off into fantastic realms of exotica. 

The disc''s latter half, featuring the multi-part title track (and album centerpiece) is even more cinematic.  Narrated, presumably by Minotto (though credited to Bob Schmucklehead - all the players on the disc have ridiculous pseudonyms), the nearly half-hour narrative suite hones Minotto''s interests to a fine laser-like focus.  Minotto occasionally lets his anti-authoritarian/ anti-corporate sense of humor get out of control, but he is mostly reigned in by his sense of comedic timing.  Still, it''s a bit tough to listen to repeatedly, unlike the disc''s opening numbers.  Either way, the primeTime sublime merit further investigation.

by Jesse Jarnow


All About Jazz

Some music is meant to be heard; some is meant to be experienced. Paul Minotto, with his primeTime sublime Community Orchestra, has created a work that blends elements of new music, easy listening, film music, Chinese music, altered television ads and more into a series of collages called A Life in a Day of a Microorganism; the result definitely falls in the latter category, an album that requires the listener''s complete attention.

Guitarist Allan Holdsworth released an album a few years ago with the subtitle "Music from a Non-Existent Soundtrack"; the title is far more applicable here, as the pieces are more inherently cinematic in scope. Like Brian Woodbury''s recent Variety Orchestra, a multitude of influences are subsumed, mixed in a blender and poured out through a funnel in strange and unusual ways. "Bimbo Mambo" features elements of Cuban music that emerge, periodically, from orchestral passages that are a bit like new music meets Aaron Copland. If there''s a precedent for the absurd sense of humour here, it is in Erik Satie''s "Parade," which similarly mixed high melodrama and droll themes with found sounds and an oblique point of view.

The focal point of the album is the three-movement title track, which has an alien race looking down on the typical American family, describing it for documentary purposes. With a narration that is part ''50s newsreel, part Zappa and completely fatuous, the family awakens from their respective dreams ("Dad is back in dreamland; he is on an unknown tropical island...he is the only man floating on a fluffy cloud...surround by young nubile, half-naked female natives who tend to his most animalistic needs...one dances exotically, while another massages...Oh! There goes the alarm clock again"); prepares for the day with thirteen helpings of eggs before going to school ("where the goal of production is money so one doesn''t have to go to school") and work ("the goal in work is more money, so one doesn''t have work"). While the daughter, the smartest in her class and obsessed with world domination, attends Nuclear Physics and Terrorist Tactics 101; the son, less ambitious, meets up with Roscoe, also known as "Jive Turkey" to exchange money for a plastic bag, "learning about the value of money through a successful business transaction." And so it goes.

Completely conceived and considered, there is something guiltily engrossing about it. The album''s sometimes incongruous references come together in the aural equivalent of a sitcom. Or a drama. Or, sometimes, both within seconds.

A Life in a Day of a Microorganism is not an album you''d put on at parties; scratch that, with the right group of people, this might make the perfect party record. An intriguing combination that somehow manages to just plain work, it''s clear that Minotto has an irreverent sense of humour that makes for engaging listening that might offend the PC faction; but as Minotto says, "Lighten up, will Ya? You''ll live longer and be happier."

Reprinted with permission from https://www.tradebit.com.
Copyright © 2004  All About Jazz and John Kelman.



Betichten van een behoudende smaak kun je me toch niet echt, maar iedereen heeft zijn grenzen als het op muziek aankomt. The primeTime Sublime Community Orchestra zit meestal tegen de irritatiegrens aan, maar gaat daar regelmatig overheen. Eerst maar wat feiten. TPTSCO is een nogal geheimzinnig collectief met een al even onduidelijke website, en een CD vol met instrumentale stukken die ofwel het midden houden tussen avant-garde en musique concrète ofwel tussen ultragoedkope synthesizermuziek en melodieloos gefröbel.

En oh, wat is het verleidelijk om A Life in a Day of a Microorganism onder die laatste categorie te scharen. Aftrappend met een soort ge-update versie van de geluidscollages waar Frank Zappa zich zo graag mee bezig hield, glijdt de plaat af in een volkomen ongeordende jungle waar spoken word, soundtrackmuziek voor Amerikaanse tienerseries van C-kwaliteit en vooral een hele hoop gesynthesizede klarinet, viool en pizzicato strings chaotisch over elkaar heen buitelen. Het ''orkest'' bedoelde naar eigen zeggen het volgende met de plaat: "A pseudo science education film soundtrack (c.1960) for extraterrestrial adolescents". Klinkt al niet leuk en volstrekt overbodig, en dat wordt in ieder geval keurig gereflecteerd in de al even niet-leuke en overbodig klinkende muziek. Het indrukken van de ''demo''-knop op een willekeurige Yamaha-synth heeft meer zeggingskracht dan elk willekeurig moment op A Life in a Day of a Microorganism.

Misschien dat ik de bedoeling, de ''kunst'' van het gebodene niet ''snap'', zelfs niet na drie lange, zenuwslopende luisterbeurten. Dat zou kunnen. Er zijn ook mensen die Lou Reeds Metal Machine Music een onbegrepen meesterwerk noemen, terwijl zelfs de maker ervan later volmondig toegaf juist de intentie te hebben gehad een kutplaat van jewelste te maken. Zo erg als die plaat is Microorganism niet. In het allerlaatste nummer, ''Afternoon & Afterlife'', breekt het geluid van een échte harp door als de zon door een grijs wolkendek, waardoor er even zoiets als een hoogtepunt ontstaat, ondanks een non-stop spoken word-verhandeling over micro-organismen en Tupperware. Dan is het echter al te laat. TPTSCO wil ''nieuwe'' muziek maken. Of: "Music that doesn''t fit anywhere". Toegegeven, dat is ze gelukt. Of ze er blij mee moeten zijn, is een heel ander verhaal.

tekst: Hans van Lissum


KZSU ZooKeeper Online

Halleluiah! Excellent experimental, in-your-face, pseudo-classical-instrumentation orchestra with texts to match the music. Fun for everyone!
The album title refers to the three-part composition (tracks 5-7), which is a narrated story about life of a dysfunctional "microorganism" family. The tracks leading to it are way-out-there experimental string-laced, computer-processed pieces of music. Cool, cool stuff. Main tracks are 2, 4, 6, 7 (others are fillers and intros). You''ll have a blast.

Check out the sleeve for extended track titles (track 2 is "a gargantuan ditty for people with Republican tendencies").

https://www.tradebit.comoduction... collage of sounds. "introducing: nothing. And comedy".
https://www.tradebit.comrt elements, repeated in Phillip Glass fashion. Strings, harp, choir (no lyrics). Like a Hitchcock movie soundtrack gone mad. Even some Chinese elements find their way in. Wow.
https://www.tradebit.comrd, collage of vocals and noises.
https://www.tradebit.comther cool composition. Strings, aided by trumpet, synth, and a piano that comes in shortly after the "explosion" 5 minutes to the end.
https://www.tradebit.comroduction to the microorganism saga. Short collage of vocals from nature films. Faded music background.
https://www.tradebit.com story begins! Narrated like a nature film over the group''s (mostly string and harp) music, it mentions or discusses subjects such as cheerleader orgies, animalistic needs, eggs, school/work/money, a postman, an inflatable love-doll called Barbie, world domination, school drugs and other business transactions, teen prostitution, M-16 and more!
https://www.tradebit.come narrated story: school cafeteria, prom, lesbian teenagers, a Tupperware party, cheerleading, bank robbery, heavenly nipples, assassination, death and Abraham Lincoln.

by Mor for radio station KZSU



Collage music. Basta? Mai quanto possa dare un attento ascolto. E nel caso in specie, ne occorre anche ben più di uno. Cacchio, vorremmo cavarcela più alla svelta (sapete da quanto tempo ce l''ho in consegna ''sto ciddì?), ma questi canadesi ci mettono a durissima prova.

Bisognerebbe in qualche modo anche provare a isolare le - innumerevoli - componenti di tale collage. E si potrebbe, appunto perché tale, più che crossover, è il sound della ptsCO: moderni emuli di Zappa che hanno anche i computer e uno stato dell''arte nelle recording techniques più avanzato dalla loro. Quanto spazio abbiamo? Non moltissimo, direi. ''Introduction'' evoca gli squillanti jingle dei TG di una volta, oltre a una pletora di effetti sonori cinematografici. La musica, propriamente intesa, attacca con ''Fashion Flag for a Part-Time Patriot'': easy listening anni 60, Stravinsky, cartoon-music, musica cinese (e ho ancora detto poco...). TV e cinema sono abbondantemente presenti, se non invadenti, nella sonorizzazione del tutto, e questo perché il concept dell''album, come il titolo già suggerisce, si configura come un documentario sulla vita di minuscoli esserini che, alla lente di ingrandimento, assumono le fattezze e le abitudini di normali esseri umani: famigliola a tavola ai pasti, papà che torna dal lavoro, et cetera, et cetera. ''A Minute in the Future: The Weenie Roast'' è un piccolo collage su un beat hip hop, mentre ''Bimbo Mambo'' va a pescare la propria essenza nei ritmi caraibici.

Ci siete ancora? Perché la traccia più lunga è l''ultima, vera e propria suite in cui l''estetica trans-gender e concettuale della ptsCO raggiunge il suo culmine. Tre movimenti, altri 48 generi frullati (se ne volete ancora, eccovi surf guitar e musica hawaiiana) tra loro, il tutto sullo sfondo di una narrazione da documentario scientifico. Tutto costruito alla perfezione da Paul Minotto - mente e anima di questa orchestra anche burlona, a giudicare dalla foto con maschere fotomontate -, che sorprende non poco nell''emanciparsi da qualsiasi stereotipo (hey, stiamo parlando di un demo, se oltreoceano questa dizione ha un senso). Ma il tutto, rende come dovrebbe?

Allora, chiaro che un rocker medio un album così lo butta via dopo massimo un minuto. Ok, filtriamo questa percezione. Ma ancora non ci siamo. Lo so, storcere la bocca per un lavoro troppo ben fatto è un po'' come sputare nel piatto in cui si mangia, però nel suo rigore concettuale e nella - esasperata - molteplicità delle fonti sonore, "A Life in a Day of a Microorganism" pecca di una leziosità che condiziona fatalmente la piena fruizione di un''opera - non un semplice disco. La sostanza c''è, per carità, ma provate voi a mettere decine di spezie in una stessa pietanza...

by Bob Villani


Ear Candy

Imagine being strapped to a chair with a heavy dose of LSD, watching both "A Rebel Without A Cause" (or any ''50s drama) and one of those ''50s science classrooms films. Truly avant-garde, the 5 songs on this CD bombard your senses with orchestrated music that instantly makes you think of the Hollywood dramas of the 1950''s. Add to this the sound-snippets and various sound effects and you get a bizarre flash back!

While most of this disc is just too plain strange to warrant repeated listening, the track entitled, "A Life in a Day of a Microorganism" is pure social satirical brilliance! The subject of this parody is the nuclear family (i.e. the ''dad, mom, son, daughter and dog'') narrated is the style of one of those boring science films that we had to watch in public schools. However, the storyline cleverly inserts everyday modern day problems such as a slutty cheerleader daughter, a son who joins a gang, a wife that has a fling with the mailman and a father owes money to the mob! Sure, the humor is dry and might go over the head of some people, but if you like the humor of the old National Lampoon albums of the ''70s - this CD is worth seeking out for this track alone.

If the Prime Time Sublime Community Orchestra can sustain a whole CD''s worth of songs of the caliber of "A Life in A Day of A Mircoorganism" on future projects - then they will truly have a classic album that mixes avante garde, comedy and music.

by Ronnie



This is one hell of a weird release. A Life in a Day of a Microorganism is split roughly into two parts. The first is a series of pseudo-orchestral pieces with a post-modern bent, weird voices and instruments, fucked up manipulated sounds, dated 80s MIDI sounds, and more. Little snatches of music out of mid-20th Century film scores are interrupted by melodically discontinuous interludes as if two people were fighting over the radio dial between "The Sound of Music" and a Charles Ives symphony.

"Bimbo Mambo" is a really impressive piece of modern classical music, which is broken up every now and again by a percussion beat and the above words repeatedly chanted. The centerpiece of the album is the three-part title suite, totaling a half hour and while I wouldn''t want to ruin the fun with specifics vaguely resembles Days of Future Passed satirized by Douglas Adams, with musical direction by Frank Zappa, and performed by Renaldo and the Loaf. It''s wonderfully funny, with wry but not mean social commentary throughout, and a childlike narration that makes it hard to dislike. I generally have a hard time combining the phrases "musically uncompromising" and "a lot of fun to listen to" in a review, but now is a good time to do so.

Highly recommended to the adventurous, particularly those who enjoy fare such as the Residents, the Blitzoids, Nurse With Wound, and so on.

by Sean McFee


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