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MP3 P.C. Tha Great - Money Problems


18 MP3 Songs in this album (77:37) !
Related styles: HIP-HOP/RAP: Rap, HIP-HOP/RAP: Dirty South

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I would like to take the time to tell you a little bit about myself, where I come from and how I got started in this music world. One thing about me art has always been a big part of my life. From drawing and writing to acting, recording, performing and producing. I''ve had my hands in it all, music has just been the only form of art that has taken a toll on me. I don''t know what it is but music just does more than anything else for me. When it comes to writting,producing and recording the creative flow just set me free .Writing gives me a chance to free my self and get a lot off my chest. Some times I feel like don''t nobody really give a sh... about what I got to say and putting it on wax with a nice beat behind it is the only way I can get them to listen. Plus the music biz is the only thing I''ve studied and know like the back of my hand.

I''ve been writing and producing for over 12 or 14 yrs maybe longer. I was probably 12 or 13 when I started to really looking at music as an outlet. I use to have my heart bent on drawing. "Man I just knew I was going to have the next big comic book on D.C. comics or Marvels comic books” I use to write and draw my heart out until I got in about the 7th grade. Around that time was when I started to really get hooked on rapping and writing. Up until then I was just free styling and having fun here and there. I didn''t start to write songs until like the 8th grade. What’s crazy is I started writing to a bass line I heard from a block party across the street. Man it had to be around 2 or 3 o''clock in the morning I m sitting next to my bedroom window tryin to figure out how to write down what was in my head. It was just something about that bass line that had me feeling like it was time. It just caught me off guard u know.

I recorded my first track on a hand held recorder provided by my home boy Mike Flowers who took that hand held recorder from his dad. I can still remember it like it was yesterday he had this old Rakim The Dream beat "The Most Beautiful Girl In The World" we put that hand held recorder on top of the speaker box pressed record on that and play on my stereo than just went at it. He free styled then it was my turn. we got done he hit the playback man I was so crazzyed at the sound of my voice on a record at less at this time to me it was a record. after that I became addicted to recording my self https://www.tradebit.com best thing that happen at this point is Mike gave me the recorder so I was on it everyday. When I ran out of beats I would put a cd in the cd player then put a blank tape in the tape recorder then I would play the cd and listen to the tracks catch the parts where there was no vocals and record that part creating a loop and that’s how I would get my beat remember I was on 13 I didn''t have the money for beats and recording.

When I was in middle school I wasn''t old enough to get a job so I started selling suckers at school for a Quarter. I start pulling home at less $95.00 a week I would spend $1.25 for a bag of charm pop and make at least 7.00 off that same bag. When my momma found out what I was doing she started using her food stamps to buy me at less 10 bags of candy to start every month I had candy bars, suckers and air heads every day I start pulling home at less 250.00 a week now your looking at the start of an hustler. see I was recording every day and all day on the weekends so after a while I had enough to release 2 or 3 freestyle tapes so I picked my best free styles and put them on one tape made copies of it and took it school with my candy and started selling them for 1.75 ea. I sold over 250 copies I use to stay up all night coping that same tape to feel orders. My grind started at a young age.

By the time I got in to high school I was deep into trying to make something out off this music thing. I got my self a job handing out flyers for a pizza palor making 5.00 hr. My mom help me invest in my first computer I paid half she paid the other half. Not much later I had a full production home studio in my room. Same thing recording, recording and recording. In between this time and when I gat started I always thought It would be tight to have my own recorded label but back then I probably new as much as you do about own a label the only thing I really knew was I was the c.e.o. and sending my recording threw the mail back home was a quick and easy way to copyright my music also known as a poor mans copy right which now is not honored in a court of law. One thing I did do was grab up a few people to start my label Sho No Mercy Records. My cousin Chris who made my logo was the artist, my home boys Romi, Push, Big Baby, Respect, Chalten, Lost Child and the Oddessy (which back then was only Fread and Tony) Tony Willaims,my cousin Keyla, the J.u.b. and a lot of other cats I knew from a round the hood and school. One night my room was so packed full people just dieing to get there 1 min. on the mic it was like over 25-30 people in that one room felt like 100 mutha..... in there. but we was on it every body wanted to rap.

By the tenth grade I had released our first cd "Sho No Mercy Records On Judgment Day" which I took to a man who had a big studio around the corner from me. See when I first found out about this dude was when I was using the hand held recorder I use to take my tapes to him so he could tell me what I could do to better my self. He taught me a lot about recording so when we did this first cd I though it was best I took it to him to get the sound right. He also had a cd duplicator too I bought all the blank cds and paid him to master my cd and duplicate it. I really didn''t know that much about promotion back then so word a mouth was the key promotion tool on my side. I sold over 500 copies in the first week and about 350 the next and then 234 the week after that. During this time I told everyone that if you want to make money then bring me 2.00 a cd and you can get copies and go sale them and keep the money some people felt different they wanted to get over so they copied it thier self and sold it behind my back. To make things short it just brought a big round of bull sh... .

So I decided to try a different approach this time I would release a solo cd I produced every beat I recorded every song but I still took it to Chuck to get mastered. I produced my beats on the computer and recorded on the computer. But I wasn''t so sure of what I was doing so I still had to take my recordings to some one who new more. this time I made posters and flyers and used word of mouth but some how I didn''t do how I expected. I expected more but fell short of my goal. I guess you win some you loose some but you never give up. ( I heard that sh... on a movie or something lol!) I picked up the speed though when spring brake came. I sold over 2,000 copies by hand in over 5 weeks of spring brake see spring break where im from is where the money is at .less I was where the money is over the years the building of new condos has cost the biz to slow down and spring breaks have been going else where to vacation (thanks a lot you rich bas.....)but it never fells ever year I still go sale cds there, thats where I make my most money.

Over the years I’ve released over 24 cds and recorded over 3,000 songs and made over 5,000 beats and sold over 27- 30,000 cds and 3,000 downloads but being dum with most of my first recording or cd I didn''t sign them up with sound scan I didn''t sign them up with publishing I just copy righted them and sold them so now I have no proof of the music I’ve sold nothing to show my track record. So now I val to change that because now I got a wife and 3 kids and I want them to have the best so I got to work hard to give them the best so I got to get it (and you can quote that) I got to get it all joke aside.

Im releasing a new cd in 2009 called Money Problems im in speaking with 3 independent distribution companies 2 who want credit for the release and one that doesn’t want credit I’ve bit my tongue over the years fell back and watch other people do what I wanted to do I still release records but yet I spent more time learning what I need to do to build a career in the music biz with this cd im doing everything the right way copy right, publishing, isrc numbers barcode sound scan distribution promotions shows and parties. this release will be my biggest release and pronounce me as a true under ground artist not just a local artist I gat a few interview coming up, some radio play, 4 mix tapes, one hot single and a lot of collaborations plus im all over the internet just Google pc the great a.k.a Frankie barns I gat my record company( take ova management inc/ sho no mercy records incorporated with the states I gat my name copy righted I’ve invested in more equipment protools akia beat muchin and triton plus more I gat my own cd and graphic press pressing out over 250 cds an hour i bought my own internet sight https://www.tradebit.comie1stop .com I’ve sign 3 new artist to my label and got rid of over 70 over the years my name has already got a buzz now I just got to take it to the next step.

This new cd speak on the economy and other money problem and I manage to have fun on this cd to. See that there''s not real a music seen in panama city I plan to be the first to bring us to light im not saying that im the first to try I just plain to be the first to have success in doing so i feel that I know and feel that I can do it I just need the support from a few people and a little time my grind a.k.a my hustle is my key tool in my path. So imma use that to get to the top and nothing else. In ten year I plan to have released 4 major lp''s done a reality TV show and 4 movies other than that I just plan on spending time with my wife and kids and die happy.

Thru my journey I’ve learned that you cant depend on no one but your self and most of these people that you come in contact with you can,t trust see the music biz is build on lies and most of the people in it lie im just trying not to fall in that trap so I choose to push all the people that I can''t depend on to the side and do this with no one but my self I only hope the new artist I signed to my label fit the bill.

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