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Here’s why: You see, “Peak Oil” is the theory that oil production follows a bell
curve – that is - production goes up and up and up, reaches a peak, and then
starts to fall off as we begin to run out of oil, a non-renewable resource. After the
peak is reached, it becomes more difficult and expensive to extract the shrinking
amount of this precious substance, the fluid that our whole society and planet
depends on to keep running every day, from the earth. With that, the price of
fuel increases exponentially, and the cost of everything, from running your car,
to producing electricity and goods becomes so expensive it can no longer be
Although this theory was proposed several decades ago, it has just been during
this past year that researchers have begun to see in the oil production data that
we may have reached the top of the production curve – the “peak” during the
past few years. This research and what it means for the future of oil, and the
future of our society has we know it - if in fact we have reached the peak - is
starting to be discussed more openly and often.
I mention this area of interest first because as news of “peak oil” spreads, it will
affect peoples’ interest in many other markets that we will be discussing – from
finance and security, to home and health. Whether or not the theory is justified,
just imagine if in 2006, growing numbers of people start believing we are
running out of fuel – the demand for information on how to adjust to and
survive the change will explode in all areas of life.
Tags: plr, mrr