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Confessions of a Website Copywriter

WARNING: Your Website Could Be Losing Up To 1042% In Profits Using The Same Worn Out Direct Mail Techniques Most Copywriting Courses Are Based On!

\"Why Almost Everyone Is Dead Wrong About Creating Highly Profitable Sales Letters On The Net… And How You Can Avoid The Lies And Turn Your Website Into A Cash Generating, Money Making Machine Overnight!\"

\"Excellent! One of the BEST manuals on how to write web copy around.\"

Dr. Joe Vitale
#1 Best-Selling Author - \"Spiritual Marketing\"
Dear Friend,

You may be losing 1042% in the sales and profits that you rightfully deserve, if your website sales letter is based on direct mail copywriting strategies. That\'s right… 1042%!

That\'s how much \'credibility based\' web design, \'readability based\' copy layout, secondary response mechanisms and efficient download time can increase your sales and profits by. You see, the copywriting rules for websites are dramatically different to copywriting rules in direct mail.

Unfortunately, most of the copywriting courses online today only teach the tired old \'mail order\' methods that have been around for years? They don\'t deliver the real truth about website copywriting?

Well, here is an extremely bold promise to you.

You are about to discover one of the first manuals ever to reveal the whole truth on creating sales letters that sell on the Internet... Something that could explode your website sales into orbit...

A resource that is being endorsed by some of the biggest names in Internet marketing... Something people will continue to talk about for decades to come.

And if you hang with me for a minute, you\'ll quickly see that resource is completely down to earth, quite simple to learn and apply, and devastatingly profitable.

But first…

\"How A Copywriter From The Backwoods Of Australia Came To Discover The Truth About Sales Letters On The Net!\"

When he first attempted to create a sales letter for the web, Larry Eng was puzzled by some of the unique challenges the Internet offers… (Even though he had already written several direct mail pieces as a professional copywriter in Australia).

So what did he do? Well he went out and did what most people did. He went out and bought everything he could on website copywriting.

He spent thousands of $ dollars on research… from low priced ebooks to high priced seminar tapes and manuals. I studied the works of some of the biggest names in advertising!

Yet despite his efforts, some of the critical pieces were still missing.

He quickly discovered that only a few people in the world really knew, or were prepared to share the whole truth about copywriting for the Web.

So he started looking in other places (both conventional and unconventional). he hunted through library books, the Internet, marketing journals, HTML tutorials, transcribed interviews, old forgotten manuals...even phoned people up!

Until FINALLY! He found those missing pieces.

But his relief quickly turned to anger…

You see, he was damn angry that he had to go to the ends of the Earth to get the whole story! And he was even angrier that people were still getting ripped off with half baked, over priced products that simply didn\'t deliver for the Web!

That\'s when he decided to end the lies and put it all on paper…


\"Confessions Of A Website Copywriter\"

The First \'Complete Guide\' to Creating Website Sales Letters That Sell Like Nothing You\'ve Seen Before!

\'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' contains all the research, all the experiences and all the critical pieces of the puzzle that the other courses leave out!

In fact, the strategies in this course are so new and revolutionary, they are not being revealed or taught as a whole by anyone else in the market!

That is an awfully big statement to make, but you don\'t have to take our word for it.

Just listen to what some of the biggest and most trusted names in Internet marketing are saying about it:

\"Could Double Or Triple Sales Overnight\"...

\"If you\'ve ever wondered what makes websites sell thousands of dollars worth of product and services, while yours is lucky to make a cent ... this course will finally reveal WHAT you\'re doing wrong, and WHY you\'re throwing good money after bad. Plus you\'ll get some tips that could literally double or triple your sales OVERNIGHT - and that\'s what makes it so valuable.\"

Brett McFall
Australia\'s \"Results Guaranteed\" Copywriter Of Over 7,800 Ads & Sales Letters

\"Top 5 Marketing Manuals I\'ve Read\"...

\"I have been reading around 2,000 pages of Internet marketing material a week over the last few years… and this is one of the top 5 marketing manuals I\'ve read period!

It\'s better than many of the $400 copywriting courses being sold online today. You should really sell this as a high ticket item Lenny.\"

Chris Bloor - \"The Walking Idea Machine\"
Author, Internet Marketing Consultant, Speaker And Highly Sought Business Coach,

\"Will Save You Countless Hours Finding What Works\"...

\"A must read for anyone who has been looking for a way to write effective sales copy. Here is a step by step approach that will save you countless hours in trying, testing and finding what works. Great value and highly recommended.\"

Mal Emery
Australia\'s Million Dollar Direct Marketer, Author, Business Coach, Sales & Marketing Seminars & Renowned Speaker

\"Create Kick Ass Money Making Copy\"...

\"This is excellent. It\'s full of great stuff anyone can use to dramatically use to improve their ability to write kick ass, money making copy.

Probably the best value for money manual I\'ve seen on website copywriting since \'Make Your Words Sell\'! I\'d honestly recommend this to everyone!\"

Alexi Neocleous
Professional Copywriter, Speaker, Business Coach & Creator of The Kaizen Marketing System!

\"Reveals More Than MYWS\"...

\"I\'ve got MYWS!, which I enjoyed, but I discovered far more from \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\'! Like the technique for removing resistance to your statements.

After reading this, I went over a very effective sales letter with a hi-liter, and in a couple minutes found 2 statements that needed to be reworded.

This is especially important in triggering the emotional response that gets readers involved in the sales argument, but I can show you some pretty expensive books that make no mention of this.

Not just \"copywriting\" nuances, but lots of important stuff like how to position your images on the web page, etc. etc. etc.

This is great stuff, the \"pros\" all know to do this stuff (as your examples demonstrate), but it\'s very hard to find anyone who\'s been able to write it all down.\"

Dan Thies
World Renowned SEO Expert, Author & Moderator at Several Top Search Engine Forums

You may have heard similar promises in the past, so...

\"Here\'s 5 Powerful Reasons Why This Course Is So Different Than Anything Else On The Market Today!\"

There is a myth online which says the rules for constructing sales letters in direct mail, also apply to creating sales letters on the Net. While the copy element is mostly true, there are some critical differences that could cost you up to 1042% in sales and profits if you don\'t follow them.

Why is \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' different? It\'s different because it deals specifically with sales letters for the Net. Every strategy, tip and technique is based on hard market research and has been proven to be incredibly profitable in an online environment.

It\'s the first manual to reveal all the missing pieces of the website copywriting puzzle the other courses miss out!

In fact, here are 5 powerful reasons why this course is so much more complete than anything else you\'ve seen before:

Powerful Reason # 1:

\"It\'s A Complete System For Creating Website Copy That Sells... And It\'s So Incredibly Simple, Anyone Can Do It!\"

There are lots of copywriting courses being sold today. Some good, some completely useless. What makes \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' different is this:

Instead of just harping on what to do, Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' explains the science behind why you should do it. You see, most people can spot a good letter when they see one. But not many can explain why that letter is so good.

But when you understand the science behind the copywriting, you\'ll suddenly understand what makes great letters great! And when you understand what makes great letters great, you\'ll also understand how you yourself can create your very own super responsive letter.

You\'ll have a solid foundation from which you can build your masterpiece from, and you don\'t have to be a \'wordsmith\' to do it. The step-by-step instructions are so simple and incredibly easy to follow, that anyone can do it.

And that\'s what makes this manual so different, so much more immediately useful than most of the copywriting books around. Because in the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is king!

Here\'s just a small sample of what you\'ll learn and discover:

The quickest and easiest way to creating a sales letter known to man!
The real reasons people buy -- the secret truth long known by master salesman, sociologists and \'con-men\' finally revealed!

How to transform your opening paragraph into a powerful psychological sales magnet!

A powerful little secret to creating captivating benefit laden copy in no time flat!

How to push the mental buttons that activate the emotional buying triggers in your prospect\'s mind!

The real insider secrets to making your testimonials sell!

A sneaky … but incredibly smart way … to get an unlimited number of news articles and reports to support your claims!

Stealth marketing tactics for monitoring and beating your online competition!

The tiny little adjustment to your fulfillment process that will cause an absolute flash flood of testimonials pouring into your office!

3 no-lose ways to eliminating your reader\'s resistance levels using \'mental engagement\'!

The insider secrets to using \'curiosity and intrigue\' to keep your visitor reading!

A simple method of testing your letters that could skyrocket response by 1800%!

A guaranteed way to creating a powerful unique selling proposition that will destroy your competition and allow you to dominate your market (along with 28 Unique Selling Proposition that you can use)!

34 sure-fire bullet formulas you can plug right into to create sizzling hot, benefit packed bullets with ease!

How to create letters so powerful, you\'ll almost be afraid to use them!

And these are just a few of the coveted strategies you\'ll discover.

Powerful Reason # 2 & Missing Link # 1:

\"Credibility Based Web Design -- How To Create A Website That People Trust Enough To Do Business With And Believe!\"

Contrary to what some of the gurus say, web design does make a difference to your conversion rate. But not how you think.

Stanford University recently conducted extensive consumer research into how people evaluate credibility and trust of a web site, They found that the first thing consumers evaluate is web design. In Stanford University\'s own words:

\"… Once a site is above a user\'s personal threshold to qualifying as having a professional look, then other aspects of the web site come into equation. In other words, the visual design may be the first test of a site\'s credibility. If it fails on this criterion, web users are likely to abandoned the site and seek other sources.\"
-Stanford University Web Credibility Studies
When your visitors first arrive at a site, they unconsciously examine its design elements to determine whether it\'s trustworthy enough to do business with and believe. If a website fails this initial test, visitors will generally leave without further investigation of what it has to say.

Sadly, almost every copywriting course online fails to cover \'credibility based\' website design in their teachings?

\'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' is different. It is one of the first courses to reveal the crucial secrets behind credible website design -- (And knowing these secrets justifies the entire purchase of this course alone)!

Here\'s what you\'ll discover:

The shocking truth about website credibility recently discovered by Stanford University!
Warning - How to avoid the commonly made design mistakes that can scare visitors to death and drive them away in droves!

The dirty secrets you must implement on your site to gain trust and convince visitors that you\'re not just another \'scam artist\' online!

The closely guarded strategies design secrets to creating a \'real world\' feel on your site and why this is crucial to getting business from your prospects!

How to build a professional image and add extra impact to your credibility with just a few simple design techniques!

And with the trustworthiness of your business and credibility of your message at stake, don\'t you think \'credibility based\' design is something you need to know?

Powerful Reason # 3 & Missing Link # 2:

\"Download Time -- How To Prevent 33% Of Visitors Leaving Before Your Page Loads\"

Research by https://www.tradebit.com has found that 33% of visitors leave a page if it isn\'t loaded within 8 seconds. That means 1/3 of your visitors won\'t even see your headline if your page takes longer than 8 seconds to load.

Put another way, if your page currently takes more than 8 seconds to load, reducing the download time could increase your sales by 50%.

Unfortunately, most copywriting courses don\'t even discuss download time… let alone how to improve the efficiency of your site to capture that extra 33% of visitors.

This is where you\'ll gain an unfair advantage from the rest, because I\'m going to show you what it really takes to stopping download time from chasing visitors away.

You\'ll discover:

A foolproof way to getting your visitor reading your headline while your page downloads in the background!
Two incredibly powerful -- yet FREE -- tools that will shrink the file size of your graphics!

The NUMBER ONE rule to keep your visitors magnetically locked to their monitors while waiting for your letter to download!

How to get your text to load before your graphics so your visitors begin reading at the earliest possible opportunity!

And with 33% of your visitors potentially at risk, isn\'t this something that you need to know.

Powerful Reason # 4 & Missing Link # 3:

\"Leads -- How To Balloon Your Sales By 426% With Secondary Response Devices!\"

A study by Sales and Marketing Executives International found that 81% of major sales are closed after the fifth contact. In the direct mail world, following up with your prospects is easy -- You already have their contact details.

But how do you follow up with your visitors online when you don\'t know who they are?

Most copywriting courses don\'t answer this question. And the ones that do, preach about pop up windows and autoresponders being the solution.

Well let\'s blow this hogwash out of the water by telling you that this is not often the case! In fact, you will see how pop ups and autoresponders may even kill your business if you use them. Here\'s just some of what you\'ll discover:

4 easy to install lead generating mechanisms and how to use them on your site!
The most important thing you could ever learn about pop up windows, and why relying on them to generate leads is dangerous!

How to be one of the first persons on the planet to suck insane profits from the coming \'Slide In Pop Up\' revolution!

8 almost magic lead generating offers that will explode the number of responses you\'re currently getting out of the water!

4 down and dirty techniques for following up with your prospects and snowballing their value by up to 426%!

Why using an autoresponder can injure your business!

And with a potential 426% increase in sales at stake, can you afford NOT to know these strategies?

Powerful Reason # 5 & Missing Link # 4:

\"Offers -- How To Create Powerful Offers That Cause People To Line Up And Beg You For Your Product!\"

Why do some poor copy sites sell like crazy, while other sites with powerful copy sell nothing? Because nothing affects website sales more than the basic offer.

Ask any professional copywriter and they will tell you:

\"Changes in the price, terms, guarantee and the way in which the product is combined or segmented will show greater difference in response than most changes in copy or layout.\"
You can use the most convincing copy in the world and still sell nothing if your offer is weak and uninspiring! In fact, you might as well be pushing a peanut up a mountain with your nose.

Here\'s just another area where \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' beats the rest. You\'ll learn:

The simple changes in your payment proposition that will practically force prospects to give you their money!
How to use bonuses to attract a stampede of business to your door!

3 powerful enhancements to turning your guarantee into a turbo charged weapon that will have your customers begging for more!

5 simple yet alluring pricing strategies that will shock your prospects and explode sales through the roof!

How to create a drop-dead, kick butt offer that is virtually guaranteed to sell like crazy (both on and off-line)!

Frankly, most copywriting courses don\'t cover offers at all. And if the offer is more important than the way it is presented, isn\'t this something that should be covered?

Powerful Reason # 6 & Missing Link # 5:

\"Readability Based Layout -- How To Design A Web Page To Get Your Copy Read!\"

How effective is powerful sales copy when it doesn\'t get read? Well the answer is obvious... It\'s useless.

In fact, copy that doesn\'t get read is about as useless as a screen door on a submarine? It\'s like the proverbial tree falling in the woods with no-one around to hear it!

So how do you get your copy read? Simple, you use a readability based design strategy to encourage readership.

You see, nothing affects the readership of a letter more than the basic layout of the copy. So a powerful letter really relies on 2 main elements - the SALES COPY to sell your product, and the LAYOUT to get the sales copy read.

Now you don\'t need to be a genius to create an effective readability based layout. But you do need to know some of the insider secrets. And these insider secrets are sadly overlooked by many of the copywriting courses being sold today.

Thankfully, \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' reveals ALL the layout secrets you need to getting your letter read.

Here are just some of the tricks of the trade shared with you:

Consumer readership behavior and how to exploit it to entice readers into devouring your copy!
What to highlight on your letter and why!

5 little known eye catching techniques to constructing your words, sentences and paragraphs to encourage readership!

How to make your headlines jump out from your page to grab your prospect\'s attention!

7 simple ways to highlight text, sentences and paragraphs so they magnetically attract scanning readers every time!

How to take advantage of pictures so they positively influence the readership pattern of your letter!

The most digestible font to scanning eyes and when to use them!

And since layout greatly determines the extent to which your letter gets read, isn\'t this something you should be learning about?

\"It\'s Like Having The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg!\"

Owning \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' is like having the goose that laid the golden egg. You\'ll have everything you need to create your very own automatic cash machine that can generate thousands of dollars for you while you sleep.

We could easily charge $97 for the ebook version of this manual. How do we know? Because the author ran a pricing survey with beta testers and this is the price that many said they\'d expect to pay!

But setting the price at $97 for this program would limit the number of people who could take advantage of it. Many of the people who need it most, simply wouldn\'t be the ones who get it.

Frankly,we are absolutely determined to stopping the \'little guy\' from being ripped off by all \'direct mail crap\' being passed off nowadays that doesn\'t work online.

That\'s why you can get \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' for a steal at $57.

In the words of the author:

Update: I\'m on a mission - I am so absolutely committed to stopping the little guy from being ripped off (like I was time and time again) that as part of a special marketing test, I am dropping the $57 price even lower to $27!
But be warned - I\'m only doing this to see whether it gets \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' into more hands or not. If it doesn\'t (or if it actually reduces the number because of quality perception problems), the price will rise again and you\'ll be forced to pay the full $57!

Remember - This is the same manual that many of the top marketing gurus are staking their reputations on and endorsing... including Joe Vitale, Brett McFall, Chris Bloor and Dan Thies (just to name a few).

It is also the same closely guarded secrets that many copywriting courses being sold online today don\'t tell you... and which could cost you 1042% in online sales and profits!

And you can get it all now for only $27.

But Wait... We Want To Make This A No-Brainer So:

\"Here\'s 4 More FREE Gifts For You,
If You Take Action Now!\"

To prove how committed we are to getting \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' into as many hands as possible, we are going to throw in these highly coveted reports.

These reports are unlike many of the others being given away online. Each is carefully hand selected to ensure they are of the highest quality.

We are totally convinced that each one will reveal at least one piece of marketing knowledge that will increase the bottom line of your business.

Here\'s how...

FREE GIFT # 1: \"8 Time Saving Work Sheets\"(valued at $17)

Writing copy can be extremely tedious. You sometimes get so frustrated and overwhelmed by it all, that you feeling like a…

That\'s why I have included these worksheets that I copied from other copywriters. That\'s right copied!

You see, when I first started writing letters and advertising pieces, my mind was a jumbled mess. I didn\'t know what I was doing from one point to another.

I often lost my train of thought and went off track from what I wanted to achieve. It used to make me so frustrated that I often felt like slitting my wrists to end the pain.

Then slowly, I began discovering some of the worksheets that the pros used.

It made my writing more straightforward and organized. Not only did it slash my writing time by two thirds, it also greatly improving the quality of my work.

Now you can enjoy the time saving, profit producing benefits that copywriters all around the world enjoy with these worksheets. You\'ll never find yourself staring blankly into an empty screen or piece of paper again. All the pain will disappear when you utilize these simple yet powerful tools of the trade to organize yourself.

FREE GIFT # 2: \"Words That Lose Money, Words That Make Money\" (valued at $17)

\"A terrific resource with tons of proven words!\" - Yanik Silver

Did you know that there are about 24 words that can actually act as \'Emotional off switches\' in your prospects minds?

Let\'s take the word \'order\' for example. The word \'order\' communicates the pain of parting with money and can scare your prospects away.

But it doesn\'t stop there... Did you know that there are about 300 words that have been *PROVEN to make money when used in virtually any sales promotion?

Now let\'s look at the word \'invest\'. \'Invest\' communicates a benefit to your prospects instead of a pain. It is therefore much more digestible and persuasive to your prospects than the word \'order\', wouldn\'t you agree?

In this report, you\'ll discover 24 \'dead as a door nail\' words to avoid in your advertising pieces, along with 300 of the best \'words that sell\' to use instead.

More than 200 businesses worldwide have profited from this report, and now you can too.

FREE GIFT # 3: \"How To Make Your Business Card A Potent Selling Tool!\" (valued at $27)

Newsflash - the majority of business cards given away end up being used as note paper or in the bin. That\'s because the majority of business cards don\'t \'sell\'.

This report helps stop all that. It reveals the little known techniques to creating business cards that generate leads and sell your prospects.

I was gob smacked when I first read it. I couldn\'t believe how simple the concepts and strategies were and how powerful they appeared.

After following the advice in this report and making a few changes to my businesses cards, I estimate my closing rate increased by around 50%. How much would a 50% higher close be worth to your business?

If you would like to transform your tired old business cards into a potent selling tool, then you must discover the secrets revealed in this report.

FREE BONUS # 4: \"Great Logos And Why\" (valued at $17)

There\'s a big lie circulating the \'get rich quick\' traps claiming logos don\'t sell. Now I\'m not saying that logos sell products. We all know that the copy in your salesman. What I\'m saying is that logos help your copy sell more!… as long as they are credibility based.

Let me explain.

When a computer wiz and a chef talk about the best software program to buy, the computer wiz will be more influential. On the other hand, when they talk about the best curry and where to buy it, the chef will win out. What is happening here?

Very simply, the computer wiz knows his field of expertise better and will be more influential when it comes to computers related discussions. The chef knows his field of expertise and will similarly be more influential when discussing cooking. Plus, one important second requirement: each must be trustworthy.

When a person is considered an expert and trustworthy, then the person will be considered credible. Messages from the credible person will be more influential by the recipient of the message.

How does this relate to logos? Think of the person as the company and the recipient as the customer. When a logo is designed to symbolize the company\'s field of business, then the company is considered an expert in this business.

And being viewed as an expert, helps build your credibility which consequently increase the persuasiveness of your message.

Enter Bill Haig, one of the forefathers of credibility based logos. Bill has worked in the graphic design/marketing field for over 40 years as a strategic logo design planner and logo program manager.

He has help plan credibility based logos for conglomerates such as AT&T, United Airlines, United Way, and Rockwell International to name a few. He is also the best selling author of The Power of Logos: How to Create Effective Company Logos (now in its 4th print).

In this report, Bill reveals the secrets to creating powerful credibility based logos, along with examples of what works, what doesn\'t and why.

You will discover how to quickly and easily create your own \'credibility based logo\' to come across as an expert in your field.

Using these techniques will skyrocket the credibility of your web site, sales letters, letterheads, business cards, advertisements and any other promotional material you use.

This is subject is rarely discussed and is one you can\'t afford to miss.

I\'m Going To \'Sweeten The Deal\' Even More -
By Making A Guarantee Few Dare Make And
Invite YOU To Take A \'90 Day FREE Peak\'…

\"If Within 90 Days You Don\'t See Yourself Making 300% More Profits From The Techniques In This Manual - I\'ll GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK!\"

PLUSLet You Keep The $78 Worth Of Gifts
As A Thank You For Trying Us Out!

Now in case you have any lingering doubts about this whatsoever, I want to make it foolproof for you. You see, I completely guarantee that the proven strategies and techniques in this manual will work for you.

So here\'s my \"Money-Back-Plus-A-$78-Gift\" guarantee…

Here\'s my promise to you. If within 90 days:
1. You don\'t immediately see yourself making 300% more profits from your website with these proven techniques, or

2. You\'re not thrilled with everything I deliver, or

3. You simply want your money back…

Send back this course and get a full, no questions asked, refund.

You can even keep ALL of the bonuses ($47 value) as my way of saying \'thank you\' for giving me a try. This means that the worst that can happen is that you get a $78 gift, whether you decide to keep this course or not.
Lenny Eng -- President
Try \'Confessions of a Web site Copywriter\' for 90 days with no risk whatsoever. The risk is completely mine.

Test-drive every strategy and technique to prove to yourself that they will make a real difference to your web site\'s sales and profits. If you aren\'t completely satisfied, I want you to send it back for a full refund… I\'ll even let you keep all the $78 worth off gifts.

That\'s right. If you send back this course within 90 days of purchase, you\'ll receive a FULL no questions asked refund, and still get to keep all the bonuses.

Anyone can offer you a \"100% money-back guarantee.\" Big deal. What do they have to lose if you send their product back?

But only someone truly confident of his customers satisfaction and results would make such a guarantee. When you buy my course, I take all of the risk. If my course doesn\'t deliver, I\'m the one who eats his shirt -- not you.

That\'s how confident I am that this breakthrough course will change forever the profitability of your website.

The truth is, you will never have to worry about a refund. Because once you start using these ingenious proven techniques and see the immediate increase in your sales and profits, I\'m betting it will be impossible to get you to part with your copy of this powerful course.

\"What\'s Your Business Worth To You?\"

Picture this: It\'s a month from now, and without any extra effort, extra visitors or extra money spent, your website is generating double the sales it is today. And even better, you know that this is just the tip of the ice berg...

Now look back to this point in time and ask yourself what this increase in sales is worth to the profitability of your business.

I think you\'ll agree that it\'s worth far more than the measly $57(as part of a special marketing test and for a limited time only, you can now get it for a steal at $27 until the testing period is over).

I guess you just need to ask yourself which one you\'d rather have... The same mass marketed books that only rehash worn out direct mail techniques that don\'t work online... Or a genuine competitive advantage?

Don\'t gamble with the success of your website. Take action now.

Click on the link below to access one of the most profitable marketing manuals online today, \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\', via our secure online server.

90 Days Money Back Guarantee!

PS. I am so determined to getting \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' into your hands, that I am going to up the ante again. Invest in this manual today for $57 (as part of a special marketing test, you can now get it for a steal at $27 until the testing period is over) and receive the $78 worth of bonuses listed plus...

Extra Bonus # 1: \'The 5 Laws Of Persuasion And How To Use Them To Sell 400% Of Anything Online\' - This report reveals 5 very powerful psychological triggers to motivating prospects into taking action (worth $17)

So brings the FREE bonuses you\'ll get with \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' to a GRAND TOTAL of $95.

PPS. -- Remember, you\'re also protected by a 90 day no questions asked money back guarantee. Test-drive every strategy and technique to prove to yourself that they will make a real difference to your web site\'s sales and profits. If you aren\'t completely satisfied, I want you to send it back for a full refund… And don\'t forget, you still get to keep the $78 (now $95) worth off bonuses as our way of saying thanks for giving us a try.

PPPS. -- Still not convinced? Well here\'s what some real people have said:

\"Increased Response By 73% In 7 Days\"...

Confessions is much more practical than dozens of other title-rich but content-poor works that were too useless to remember. In fact, 1 week after reading Confessions, I made some adjustments to my site. As a result, my CR increased an incredible by 73%... thanks for your advice Lenny!

Vaughan Vandenberg

\"Made Nearly $7,000 In 5 Days\"...

Lenny I just wanted you to know that we used the copy techniques described in \'Confessions of a Website Copywriter\' to create a direct mail piece for sourcing new video production clients. Well, we made just under $7,000 in the first 5 days of mailing thanks to you. I can\'t thank you enough!

Sara Venables
Fire Dragon Video Productions

\"10 out of 10\"...

There is so much valuable copywriting advice in this manual, particularly the bits about how to write first paragraphs and avoid negative words. And thanks to your manual, I’m not afraid to write web copy any more. Well done, 10 out of 10.

Dr Mike Woo-Ming

\"Never Before Seen Readability Techniques\"...

Confessions of a Website Copywriter’ covers the same points on structuring a direct sales letter as Joe Sugarman\'s books on advertising copy.

But I have not seen information on how the user\'s eye tracks the page covered elsewhere. This is especially useful in understanding why highlighting text, sentences and paragraphs is so crucial to getting your letter read. I expect this information will increase my website\'s readability substantially as a result. Thanks Lenny!

Karen Jessen

\"Opened My Eyes To Credibility Based Web Design\"...

Wow Lenny, this is the best manual I have ever read about website copywriting. The techniques and the examples are so plain that anybody can become a master copywriter. The techniques and the examples are so plain that anybody can become a master copywriter.

And you really opened my eyes to ‘credibility based’ website design (which I haven’t seen anywhere else before). I recommend this book to anybody who wants to become successful on the Net.

Peter Skuta

\"Split-Testing Is Just One Of The Many Gems\"...

Confessions of a Website Copywriter is absolutely packed with valuable information and presented in a light interesting way. It compares very favorable to “Make My Word’s Sell” only with up to date information.

The information on Testing was extremely useful, but this is just one of the many gems in your manual. In fact, I was that impressed, I now keep a printed copy on my desk as a reference!

Ron Mahon

\"One Of The All-Time Great Masterpieces!\"...

This book will have a similar impact as the classic \"Scientific Advertising\" by Dr Claude Hopkins and the books \"Great Headlines Instantly\" and \"Classified Magic\" by Robert D. Boduch, \"eBook Secrets\" by Ken Silver, \"Turn Words Into Traffic\" by Jim and Dallas Edwards and the magnificent contributions by marketers/copywriters such as Jay Abraham, Joe Vitale, Christian H. Godefroy, Allen Says, Dr Ken Evoy, Dan Kennedy, Michael Senoff, Yanik Silver and Brett McFall.

Before doing anything else get yourself a copy of \"Confessions of a Website Copywriter\" by Lenny Eng containing 47 Closely Guarded Secrets to Creating Turbo-Charged webpage Sales Letters.

I wish that I had this very special book a very long time ago!

Stephan Van Der Lingen
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