MP3 The Hanukkah Jones Band - Rodent Rage
In a band named after the bassist''s former hamster, heavy guitar and melodies merge with quirky heartfelt lyrics to create an upbeat, 3-piece Missourian punkish (?) recording. Independently released and recorded on Millennium Houseboy Records.
7 MP3 Songs in this album (20:48) !
Related styles: Rock: Punk-Pop, Metal/Punk: Pop-Metal, Mood: Quirky
People who are interested in ALL should consider this download.
"The Hanukkah Jones Band screams creativity. " Alex Elson, Columbia Missourian Vox Online
"... full of energy and enthusiasm..." Columbia Daily Tribune
Bass player John Heller, formerly of the Gringos of Missouri, gets help from guitarist John Hash (Currently of Memphis'' One Wicked Dream, formerly of Memphis'' Odyle), with Scott Walus (songwriter/guitarist/vocalilst of Pat Boone''s Farm) on drums.
On this recording, you will find 7 original compositions- 4 written mainly by Heller, 2 written mainly by Hash, and one imagineered by Walus.
(Hanukkah Jones was one of Heller''s hamsters when he was a kid.)