Horse Walking On A Road (sound Effect).wav (0:42) HORSE SOUNDS: The clip-clop of horse hooves as a horse walks along a hard road surface. A high definition... Sample Download 9.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Horse And Carriage 2 (sound Effect).wav (0:42) A horse drawn carriage through an Austrian town. Clear horse hooves and carriage sounds with occasional driver and passenger... Sample Download 9.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!
Horse And Carriage Sound Effect 1.wav (0:40) A horse drawn carriage on a quiet road. Clear horse hooves and carriage sounds delivered in CD quality WAV... Sample Download 9.95 USD X The seller big-fat-audio offers you 10.0% on each sale!