Howdy Pardner, First I'd like to welcome you to The PLR Bandit, one of the most relevant eBooks on the market today. I am just an ordinary guy who started with no qualifications and achieved everything one could desire in a short space of time. So prepare to have your eyes opened to the simplicity of making money online and freedom from the daily grind. But of course, it really all depends on one thing… How much YOU want it? Most people think $50,000 a year is a pretty good wage, but you know why they call it 'take home pay' don't you? Because they're too embarrassed to take it anywhere else! The thing is - why only $50,000 a year when you're capable of earning that in a single month? I know it can happen, because I'm doing it right now. But listen, I ain’t gonna be patronizing (or downright lying) and tell you that you can do it easily from scratch, because you can’t. There is some work involved... just not much! The PLR Bandit eBook will help you get started and show you how to create your first $1000 online. After that, the size of your fortune is entirely up to you. If you are diligent and take the time to apply it, this 'system' works. Everything I reveal in The PLR Bandit is tried and tested, there is no hype, and definitely no tumbleweed. Inside you will find tactics that will annihilate your competition. Some of what you read might surprise you, because of one major factor… the simplicity. Things don’t need to be complicated for you to make money online, which is in fact what most people think. So, I want you to keep that in mind as you read on… Simplicity isOkay, are you ready? Then let’s get this party started... 1. What Is A Private Label Rights Product? Let's keep this simple - when you've purchased a Private Label Rights product, it usually means you can re-use the subject matter as your own. Having said that, there are different rights that publishers offer with their content, but most times you're allowed to rewrite it, put your name on it, slice it up and sometimes you can even publish it as it comes (not advisable). However, there are lots of other things that you can do with a PLR product. For Example......