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Hip Hop: Having trouble finding your favorite hip hop music? Select one of the popular categories below related to hip hop and filter your search to meet your interests. For a more specific search, use the search field in the upper right corner by entering the title or artist and choose music from the drop-down menu.
A wide assortment of hip hop music is available for download. Just select the album and a list of titles will be shown which can be purchased a track at a time or as a complete album. Instant download is available once payment is made.

"Hip-hop" downloads in background loops

Thumbnail Clips: Scratch Groove 105BT 2

Clips: Scratch Groove 105bt 2

Scratch Groove 105BT 2.wav Professional killer vinyl scratch on top of hip hop beat, perfect for sampling, mixing, music production, timed...
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8.00 USD
Thumbnail Gritty Rap Drums

Gritty Rap Drums

Six plus minutes of rap/hip hop drums perfect for an urban or edgy scene or https://www.tradebit.coms is a PREVIEW lower...
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9.95 USD

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