Smart pop romanticism from L.A.''s edgy retro-modernist, "...small pop gems," says TIMEOUT
13 MP3 Songs
POP: Piano, ROCK: Folk Rock
After her hi......
Kinky original and guileless womanly genius with a Beatles jingle-jangle and pollyannaish personality.
12 MP3 Songs
POP: Beatles-pop, POP: Quirky
Saturday ......
The debut propose from this singer-songwriter packs lots of praise-filled, soul-searching pop and ballad tunes bolstered with rigorous outspoken harmonies...
Rocken Raga, Sensuous grooves, spicy vocals in many tongues: Arabic chants, Hindi,English, French and Spanish.
Eastern influenced jazz,pop and dance, sacred,...
A retrospective of Amy''s early techno-pop experiments...charmingly cheesy ''80s synths, layers of airy vocals, and intimate but quirky songs.
12 MP3...
Emily Bezar''s debut album offers a heady brew of modern classical art-songs and rhapsodic experimental tone-poems.
10 MP3 Songs
POP: Delicate, ELECTRONIC:...